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My Son Needs Help


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In math. He is third grade and does not grasp the concepts easily. I can't afford a tutor, but I find myself yelling at him out of frustration because I have to keep repeating myself. I am looking for new ways to approach the lessons with him. My question is how do you find out what kind of learner your child is?? I am a single mother who also attends school and works a full-time job. I need to know the easiest way to help him learn.

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What have you tried with him? Are there certain concepts that are harder for him? Have you tried using visual aids, like drawing pictures, unifix cubes? Have you talked to his teacher? Sorry for all the questions! I think it is great you are trying to help him.

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I think you should approach his teacher about this. Sometimes they can be helpful. Unfortunately sometimes they are overworked and don't pay attention to individual kids but if your son has a good math teacher then he will hopefully be able to help you change your approach. I understand your frustration and it's great that you're working so hard to help your son. Good luck with this. Chances are he can learn if you find the right approach. By the way, I was horrible at math at a certain age, and I felt like I was dumb and couldn't learn. My parents bought me exercise books and math "video games" (not costly ones) and had me do extra exercises. I found that the most helpful. The more problems I did, the better I got at it. It just turned out to be a rough patch because after that I was fine at math. I actually found some algebra harder than calculus! Go figure. It may just be that the way your son's mind works that may be different from the way in which you are trying to teach him. Keep at it and don't lose hope.

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I have approached his teacher and she told me he could benefit from a tutor. Well I can't afford that. Anyhow this past week was rounding tens, and hundreds, in my opinion not very hard but it was for him. 3rd grade is very rigorous and if he does not pass the standardized test then he will fail. They have made all the children aware of this so he is apprehensive.

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Okay - on an outside limb here.


Specifically rounding 10's and 100's.


Have you made a chart for him? What types of tools does the teacher provide?


How much time does he spend on his homework?


Has he had problems in the past with math / homework?

The teacher provided a number line, but she doesn't want them using them on the test. What's funny is when I am questioning him about the process while doing the homework he is fine it's when he gets to school and it's time for the test he chokes I think, and his mind goes blank. He has always had a harder time with math.

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The teacher provided a number line, but she doesn't want them using them on the test. What's funny is when I am questioning him about the process while doing the homework he is fine it's when he gets to school and it's time for the test he chokes I think, and his mind goes blank. He has always had a harder time with math.


Sounds like test-taking anxiety. Maybe these tips might help:

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If not, maybe you should spend a bit of time googling and see what you come up with.

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Sounds like test-taking anxiety. Maybe these tips might help:

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If not, maybe you should spend a bit of time googling and see what you come up with.



I agree it sounds more like test taking anxiety than difficulty learning the math. Does he exhibit signs of anxiety in any other area's of his life?


Does he procrastinate at doing the practice and homework at home?


My son hates memorizing numbers. Flashcards - no way - they don't work for him. I thought he'd never memorize simple addition and subtraction. He's got it completely (2nd grade) and enjoys rounding numbers up now.


I'm trying to think of other things that may help your son. If the teacher constantly mentions "if you don't get this, you'll fail...." I don't see how to take the pressure off besides constantly praising him after he succeeds in his studying at home. Try not to get edgy with him about it.


Tutors. Have you thought about checking around your community for a cheaper tutor?

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We all learn at our pace... If you've talked to the teacher see if she has suggestions and if you can't afford a tutor - let her know that. She might be able to pair him up with an older student... sometimes high school kids get credit for helping younger kids after school and what not.


Ask to speak to the special ed department... have his math skills evaluated when he is not test taking and go from there.


Keep looking for answers... and remember teachers get a lot of crap from parents sometimes not just their students... they get burnout and sometimes defensive and feel that you are judging her as a teacher... Sometimes "Ms Jones, I see that you put forth a lot of effort with X with his math skills, I know that as his teacher and I as his mom want to see him succeed but he seems to still need some extra help. I'm just not that skilled to work with him on this problem though I try and sit down with him every night. A tutor just isn't something we budget in todays ecomony can you think of any other options we could try. X really wants to do better and I can its affecting his self esteem"


The key is to keep it positive and show appreciation for what she has done... you'd be surprised with a simple note of thanks or a compliment like "X tells me that you are spending extra time with him on this and I so appreciate that" makes people feel good about themselves and motivates them to WANT to look into other options for you.


A lot of doors which you didn't know about may open to help you with your child.


And if that doesn't work... then make an appointment to see the school principle.


Good Luck!

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Poor kid has test taking anxiety. Some people choke on tests frequently.


He is only in third grade and this is clearly a problem for him, thus, the teacher making osme kind of accommodation is not out of the question. There should be a guidance counselor who can work with him in meetings to find out what kind of test taking style he has and adjust accordingly. Maybe the basic test mode does not work for him. Maybe he needs a teacher to give him the test orally. Maybe he needs to be isolated alone while taking a test with no time clock. There can be accommodations made if that would help.


Numbers for the person who is not numbers oriented can be very daunting.


Please don't yell at him tho. That will accomplish nothing but him having a fear of math for life. I know you were just frustrated, just remember his frustration is worse as he is the one having to perform.

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Tutors. Have you thought about checking around your community for a cheaper tutor?


Do you know any high school students or have any family members who have kids? That may be cheaper or even free. I always found that it was easier for me to get help from people that were not my parents. Psychologically, it just worked better for me. Not sure why.

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