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OK...I was on a low carb diet and I found that Russell Stover and nestle make no sugar candies. They are made with sugar alcohol and you NEVER want to eat too many of them as they cause horrible gas and diarrea.


I'm not sure if your diet would allow this, but this was my way of having chocolate and not sugar.

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Thouse....this might not be for you...but I did it because I was trying to "detox" my body from "junk" ie, sugar, alcohol etc. I did the Master Cleanse for 7 days....and the first few days were TOUGH. No sugar, no caffeine.....nothing but the drink I was supposed to drink. I will tell you though, after the 3rd day I wasn't craving ANY of that stuff anymore. I felt amazing. Maybe a bit of a detox will help eliminate your system of those cravings....you can Google Master Cleanse and it will give you all the info.

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Thouse....this might not be for you...but I did it because I was trying to "detox" my body from "junk" ie, sugar, alcohol etc. I did the Master Cleanse for 7 days....and the first few days were TOUGH. No sugar, no caffeine.....nothing but the drink I was supposed to drink. I will tell you though, after the 3rd day I wasn't craving ANY of that stuff anymore. I felt amazing. Maybe a bit of a detox will help eliminate your system of those cravings....you can Google Master Cleanse and it will give you all the info.

could you work out during those seven days?

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could you work out during those seven days?


Thouse...actually I did use the treadmill on this fast, and I was just fine.I drank lots of water too. It takes some discipline but you can do it. I wouldn't recommend using weights during this fast though...because you aren't getting any protein.

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Thouse....this might not be for you...but I did it because I was trying to "detox" my body from "junk" ie, sugar, alcohol etc. I did the Master Cleanse for 7 days....and the first few days were TOUGH. No sugar, no caffeine.....nothing but the drink I was supposed to drink. I will tell you though, after the 3rd day I wasn't craving ANY of that stuff anymore. I felt amazing. Maybe a bit of a detox will help eliminate your system of those cravings....you can Google Master Cleanse and it will give you all the info.


The MC is great. I just finished my 10 days on the MC diet. I'll be cooking some wonderful veggie soup later today and I am excited!!! Two weeks ago I would have never been so excited to have veggie soup. It is very effective in eliminating cravings and improving appreciation of your health. So long as you have an open mind and a positive attitude about the MC, above is a small tiny fraction of how beneficial it can be for your body and mind.

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I have convinced myself that I don't like French fries and fried foods. It's like a form of self hypnosis.


I still like my sweets so I choose carefully what my treats are, fat free ice cream made with Splenda is my treat and I buy an expense version so I will be more stingy and eat smaller amounts, plus the taste is better.. I still get calcium in this. I have also learned to create a treat with fat free yogurts and I really enjoy marinated olives. You can learn to replace some of those bad foods with healthy foods with intense flavor. When you do that, things like french fries become more boring.


My one bad habit? Vault Zero, I like that level of caffeine.

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