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I want to know where you people are in terms of your ex!

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Ok, I got out of a four year relationship about seven months ago and posted all about it here. SOme people get dumped and never hear from their ex again, some hear from them every day..... I want to know about you! As of right now, what's going on? Are you in strict NC? Do you still talk everyday?

When was the last time you heard from your ex? Even the people who have moved on and are in new, happy relationships, I want to know.. Did your ex ever contact again? Did you?? Give me the stories people!!!!


Im super curious....

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Humans, in general favor the familiar and therefore will usually speak to their ex just because they're conditioned to. I just started a temporary NC, I just need to take a time-out. I predict I'll probably talk to her again, but I wonder if she'd ever initiate the conversation?

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It's been nearly 2 years since she broke up with me (7 year LTR). We're still in contact, as friends from my point of view, but unfortunately probably more than that from her point of view. She flat out stated she wants to "try again" a few weeks ago to me, which I politely rebuffed. I'd like to just be friends with her, but I don't know if that's possible.


As for my personal dating life, it's nothing to write home about. I like to think I'm an amazing catch, but I don't have a ton of success meeting girls. I've been on a few first dates through online dating. The girls were nice enough, but none of them really "clicked", so I'm still waiting...

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She broke up with me 4 months ago. Haven't spoken in a little over 3 unless you count her e-mailing me some pictures 2 months ago from a trip we took last winter. Could have seen her at a friends b-day/labor day party 2 days ago but I'm not ready to see her yet at this time so I opted out of the party.

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As of right now, what's going on? My ex cheated on me after a 7 and 1/2 year LTR. The break up was about 1 and 1/2 years ago now. I am in with someone else now, I met my bf about a month after I broke up with the ex. He has been really patient with me, and I care for him deeply.


Are you in strict NC? Yes


Do you still talk everyday? Nope


When was the last time you heard from your ex? Hear about him every so often from friends, but it is really vague. I saw him today actually with HER (he didn't see me, I don't think), he started living with HER pretty much within the same month that we broke up. Hadn't seen him since my bf and I bumped into him early this year. Talk about awkward...


Did your ex ever contact again? Did you?? He tried to call me a year ago, I hung up on him, twice. He txted me saying that he wanted to be friends and that he knows that he hurt me alot, but no apology whatsoever.

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he broke up with me about 6 weeks ago now, still feels like yesterday though


we spoke once since breaking up, just on msn, was not a great conversation. ive tried emailing him once since then 3 weeks later, nothing. just flat out ignored me like i don't exist and he never cared. we will probably never speak again because it's just like him to feel bad and run from his problems. plus, he is with someone new that i think he might have left me for, so he has no reason to talk to me. he thinks he got someone better.

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2.25 months of NC with most recent EX and still going strong. Beginning to question whether or not I should wish her a happy birthday since it's getting to the point that I've made my stance clear.


I'll talk to her when she knows what the hell she wants. Until then, I want nothing to do with her.

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Ok, I got out of a four year relationship about seven months ago and posted all about it here. SOme people get dumped and never hear from their ex again, some hear from them every day..... I want to know about you! As of right now, what's going on? Are you in strict NC? Do you still talk everyday?

When was the last time you heard from your ex? Even the people who have moved on and are in new, happy relationships, I want to know.. Did your ex ever contact again? Did you?? Give me the stories people!!!!


Im super curious....


Hi baby,


We broke up 8 months ago..a 4yr relationship. She never wanted to hear from me again and not to call her or her family again (her family loved me). I stopped calling after countless times of begging. She always broke NC saying, she wanted to be friends. I tried to do it and see if that was the way to win her back..didn't work.


I am in strict NC! Last time I heard from her was end of July and 1st week of Aug. I ignored both calls! I said, enough is enough because I felt I was trying my all to mend our relationship, but she was just making sure I still was around! I really wanted to start my healing and her calls were just setbacks for me. I still miss her, but the person I was with NOT the person she is now! If you love someone you don't let that person go. To me her love was fake.


I have not had the urge to date becasue I wasn't ready, but something happened to me past couple of weeks..I met this woman at work, but timing was bad (there was chemistry). She has a bf. I would love to pursue her but in my eyes I would be doing the wrong thing if I did chase. It wouldn't be fair to me or her bf. I'm walking away from that (thanks to the great advice from my friends here in ENA). So, yeah I think I'm ready to go for it and start playing the field once again. I never thought I could feel the way I have these past weeks. I'm regaining my self confidene again and it feels great! I'm working out, reading books, self improving and the best reward for me is that people are noticing my changes and they praise me for it. Thank you God!


NC has helped me heal (still in process). I don't care if she calls me again. I went through hell already and I don't intend to return there. Things do get better!


Take care and God bless!



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My ex just buggered off with no explaination completely out of the blue.

A year later I finally get an email reply. First line: "sorry about the delay"..


Tosser! A delay is a couple of hours, not an entire year. Dodged a bullet on that one.

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Him my ex pulled the "stealth" break up manuver on me 3 times. First time I contacted him a lot b/c I thought something was wrong i.e. hurt, injured, something with the kid etc... He finally called me back with an excuse I realize now is lame. Second time he does this a month later, I send him a nice email thanking him for the chickens**t way to leave me. He blows up my phone & I respond (my mistake) Third time he does this, I let it go & do nothing. He sends the make up texts or whatever, but I inititate no contact, it all comes from him. He is slowly trying to get back in my world. Then he goes on the vacation we were supposed to go on (without me) & texts me a few weeks after his return. He wanted to spend labor day weekend with me. I didn't respond, so he sent another & I didn't respond to that one either. I have come to realize that the amazing guy I fell for over a year and a half ago, the one that couldn't go a day without me, now just thinks I am some kind of stupid w**** he can call when he is bored or horny. I have never been so insulted in my life. I feel no need to ever speak to him again.

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4.5 months broken up from a 5 year live in situation and doing fine.


Went LC at first, found out he was seeing someone else about six weeks later (he actually slept with her 2 weeks after the break up) and told him to not contact me, deleted him off facebook etc (highly recommended, by the way).


Since then we have had to talk on email a few times (house stuff) and I have seen him for five minutes, once.


I last heard from him last week, emailing me while I was on holiday about bills in his name at the house, and saying that he was "finally sorting out my finances" - his irresponsibility was why we broke up. I felt like emailing him back and telling him he was a tosser, but I was actually having a drink with someone I really fancy, so I didn't really care.


I have moved on and I'm happy. I think me and the ex will be friends in time. Keep on truckin' everyone, there's light at the end of the tunnel!

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I am still doing NC with an ex. Ten years and have never spoken to or contacted him. Why should I? We broke up. It's over. I love life and have moved on. Most people do. What can you gain by reliving the past? If it could have worked, it would have.


I don't agree with this at all. Relationships are simply more complicated than that. Love doesn't conquer all, and sometimes, you just get involved with someone at the wrong time.


I've seen PLENTY of people get back together, get married, and are still going strong. Happens every day.

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I've seen PLENTY of people get back together, get married, and are still going strong. Happens every day.


Personally, I haven't seen very much of that. (Actually, I can't think of ANYONE who's done that.)


I cast my vote with "when it's over, it's over" camp.

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Well she dumped me 5 months ago(can't believe it's been 5 months) after talking to her about the one sidedness & money. we have been NC since that day not one word spoken to eachother nothing, she just walked off after dumping me in the park that was the last I ever saw of her.


As for will I hear from her ever again?... I dont know who knows?, im still blocked on facebook so says it all really, it's hurt that she's just left so coldly like that and forgot I ever existed and what I did for her.


As for contacting her why should I?, she dumped me she wanted me out of her life, if she wants to contact it's her choice/turn.

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Going on 7 months this month.


We went strict NC for the first two weeks. In that time, he was mad that I wasn't contacting him because he was used to me begging and crying all the times before. So he contacted me.


After those two weeks, I'd hear from him everyday.


Then he went away. Had no choice but to be NC for a good month and a half and well now, whadda ya know?! He's back.

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permanent no contact. i've removed her from everything, inside and outside of me. i used to receive "accidental text messages" once in a while, usually in her language so i am assuming it was just an accident. but at least she still had my number in her mobile. i never took any actions. i just deleted them. the last i "heard" from her were multiple pages from her mobile number one night. 5-6. i looked at it, deleted it and went right back to sleep. wasn't even a little bit curious to see what she wanted. not in the least bit interested in knowing where she is, what she is doing or even if she is alive.

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Broke up nearly 7 months ago from 3 and half year relationship. Still in contact. She wants me in her life and i want her in mine. Still see each other every couple of weeks or so.


In terms of me, i'm ok. I still love her and want her back, just no longer forcing the issue. She knows exactly how i feel. Still feel sad about it all but also over the initial grief and denial and am ok in her company. There's still something between us. We'll see what the future holds i guess.

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Me too. I've never gone back and I don't know anyone who has.




This is not very good advice at all, in my opinion.


Looking back is how you draw upon experience to make your life better than it is now. If you make a mistake or do something wrong, it's healthy and helpful to look back on that, learn from it, and ensure that you don't do the same thing in the future. Wanting to reconcile or not, it makes no difference. Without looking back, you're doomed to a stagnant life where you're constantly bit in the butt by your same shortcomings.


Plus, it doesn't really make any sense. It's not like your ex jumped into a time machine and traveled through time from the past. Your ex is moving along, growing and changing day by day, just as you are. New experiences will give them a better perspective on life and there's a good chance that your ex today is a more mature person than they were when they dated you. Your ex isn't a caveman, they live in the modern day just as we all do. If they wanted to reconcile, it's not like you'd be going back to the past or anything, you'd be starting a new relationship today.


I perfectly understand why people never go back to people who have dumped them. I know many people with the exact same stance when it comes to relationships. In my personal opinion, though, I want to find love and happiness with my partner. Whether that partner be someone new or an ex, it doesn't matter. As long as the relationship is healthy and happy, I'm good to go. Completely cutting someone off as a potential partner simply because I've dated them before seems a bit ridiculous, in my humble opinion.

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