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I've done a few 24-hour famine fasts for charity, they're that difficult until you see other people eating! Are you planning on fasting for some reason?

I want to detoxify, I have been doing research about all the crap that we put in our bodies by eating junk and processed foods.

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well, i dont fast but i did read this book called "you are what you eat" just recently. and it has really inspired me and taught me what effects processed foods, junk and even soda's for example have on the body. even too much dairy products, alcohol, coffee, etc. i never took it too seriously.


i wouldn't fast though. IMO i would rather try and eat more raw veggies, fruits and nuts combined with other healthier choices instead of doing a fast once in a while.

i do eat processed/junk (well, this is the plan since i just started a week ago) but in limited amounts.


p.s. check out the book if you can. i'm sure you may benefit from it. my dad even loved it and he never can be bothered to get into this healthy stuff. he said it was so simple.

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Its all about moderation, nutrionists would have you believe that processed food is the route of all evil. I have seen 'You are what you eat' and for the most part she is just talking crap.


If you try not to eat any processed or fattening food then its only going to increase temptation. If you are having take away food every night then of course that is bad for you, but one kebab a month isn't going to kill you...


Too much of anything is bad for you, if you are worried you are eating unhealty food then just cut back on it a bit.

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well, i dont fast but i did read this book called "you are what you eat" just recently. and it has really inspired me and taught me what effects processed foods, junk and even soda's for example have on the body. even too much dairy products, alcohol, coffee, etc. i never took it too seriously.


i wouldn't fast though. IMO i would rather try and eat more raw veggies, fruits and nuts combined with other healthier choices instead of doing a fast once in a while.

i do eat processed/junk (well, this is the plan since i just started a week ago) but in limited amounts.


p.s. check out the book if you can. i'm sure you may benefit from it. my dad even loved it and he never can be bothered to get into this healthy stuff. he said it was so simple.

Thanks, I will check it out. However I thought to detoxify you had to not put anything into your system for a while??

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fasting is not difficult ... if you can go through the first two/three days .. it'll be reaaly easy later on .. I'm talking about fasting for the whole day from sun rise to sun set .. I do it to feel what the poor and hungry feel like (because they don't have the choice) .. but for whatever reason you wanna do it ... make sure you have a full schedule during the day .. a lot of things to do .. that'll keep you mind off the food/water .. and most of the time u'll have difficult headaches at the beginning of the fasting period .. don't worry about it.. it's just a result of your body getting used to the new circumstances ..I hope everything works for you

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fasting is not difficult ... if you can go through the first two/three days .. it'll be reaaly easy later on .. I'm talking about fasting for the whole day from sun rise to sun set .. I do it to feel what the poor and hungry feel like (because they don't have the choice) .. but for whatever reason you wanna do it ... make sure you have a full schedule during the day .. a lot of things to do .. that'll keep you mind off the food/water .. and most of the time u'll have difficult headaches at the beginning of the fasting period .. don't worry about it.. it's just a result of your body getting used to the new circumstances ..I hope everything works for you

Thanks for the suggestions but I was thinking that I would atleast drink distilled water.

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Thanks, I will check it out. However I thought to detoxify you had to not put anything into your system for a while??


true. but what i meant is why not eat more fruits, veggies, and all the good stuff regularly (and limit te bad stuff all the time) so you won't need to really go on fasts to detoxify.


*i just re checked the book (since i never paid too much attention to the "de tox diet" steps.) but basically the author recommends going on a veggie and fruits (also juice) diet for a day.


"for the detoxification process to work properly you should not starve yourself. you will simply give your organs a holiday from what you normally eat... add lots of good foods that cleans your organs and facilitate your body.."
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Ramadhan started.


We have a friend who is Muslim and we had dinner with him and his family last night and talked about Ramadhan, as it started today. He said that in the past it's been difficult. He cannot eat from sunrise to sunset, but they can eat once it's dark.


He wakes at about 4 am to drink a large amount of water, and then goes throughout the day with no food or water (they also cannot have intercourse during daylight hours or smoke) and then he will eat something once it's dark. He said it is very hard, particularly the first week, but he kind of gets used to it as the time passes. He said that he usually looses about 10-15lbs each time.


But, at the end he said he feels better at the end, mostly because he has maintained the self control it takes to follow his religious beliefs and that feels good.

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I started with 24 hour fasts and moved on to 72 hour fasts for spiritual reasons. At one point I thought of doing the 40 day fast, like Jesus did but realized it would just be too much for me, unhealthy. Must have been God saying No. Ultimately I fasted too often. I was looking sickly according to friends (skin and hair was bad).

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I did the Master Cleasne also.I lasted 7 days. It wa s hard the first 2-3 days, then it was great. I never realized I had that much self discipline till I did that cleanse. I lost 5 lbs in 7 days...though it's not recommended as a weight loss remedy, you WILL lose weight. Beyonce' dropped 20 lbs in 10 days doing Master Cleanse

for her role in Dream Girls

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google 'half-fasts'

They're much easier, and clinically shown to have a waaay better detoxifying effect than straight water fasting.


Or you could buy the master cleanse book and try that.

Do half-fasts mean eating only raw foods like fruits and veggies??

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I did the Master Cleasne also.I lasted 7 days. It wa s hard the first 2-3 days, then it was great. I never realized I had that much self discipline till I did that cleanse. I lost 5 lbs in 7 days...though it's not recommended as a weight loss remedy, you WILL lose weight. Beyonce' dropped 20 lbs in 10 days doing Master Cleanse

for her role in Dream Girls

What does the master cleanse entail??

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The Master Cleanse can be done as long as you can handle it. I wanted to do 10 days, but I got a cold and decided to go off it. It's a fast that entails drinking 6-12 10 oz of water with 2 Tbsp of Maple syrup, 2 oz. of squeezed lemons, and cayenne pepper.

You can drink a laxative tea at night, or do a saline wash (drink sea salt water)in the morning to help you go to the bathroom.


It is something I plan on doing 2-3 times a year. Probably right before Springtime and then before Fall. I felt incredible while I was on it....but it's not for everyone.

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