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After a "tiff" has anyoner ever felt...


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obviously upset, but if you carry anger along after that...that its actually appealing to not get into contact with them...make them wonder about your feelings towards them etc


Then if they actually decide to call you, not answering on purpose or not replying to a txt..just to make them feel that extra bit...bad?


I know this post sounds incredibly horrible...but I've noticed that sometimes...only with a guy though actually...that If I have a tiff with him (as long as I havent said anything offensive etc) that I actually like leaving him hanging and having him ask me to talk.


For some reason I feel all....


Is this human nature...or just me?!?! I feel kinda bad about it sometimes... guess its the same with guys when the girls trying to contact you too? yes? no?

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It's the 'calm after the storm'....we all take time to calm down and we get back in touch and speak to them, when we are ready too.


I've done it, however I don't get a 'kick' out of doing it. I'm not picking up because I'm still angry/not ready to talk....doesn't take me long to come around however.

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Not good behaviour to continue. It will eventually backfire. It is also a sign of insecurity...people who want to show power over someone else are very insecure.


Fair point


Isn't there another issue though that if someone really offended you by the things they said, and now start contacting you that its more of a revenge thing? "If I don't answer you might feel as bad as I did that night"

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