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the one i'm looking for


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no one, no one but you can listen silently without any judgement

when i look him in the eye and tell him it won't work, you're there holding my hand

you hold me close as i cry on your shoulder after all the screaming and cursing thrown my way

when i feel alone and out of place, i spot you on the other side of the room, smiling at me

every time the reflection in the mirror disappoints me you kiss my hair and make me feel beautiful again


i look around

no one was there holding my hand as i watched him walk away

no one held me when i cried alone in my room that night

all those times i felt alone, i was

and no kisses come to me now


you are only the person i pray every day i will find

the person without lies

and fronts

without acting

and cruel intentions


every day i come home

and escape into my dreams,

the only place i will ever find you



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Very good, I can feel the turmoil and pain. Thank you for sharing this with us. What does this poem mean to you?


I have a proverb that might interest you. "The life of a plant is found in it's roots. from birth to death the roots are always there, it nurtures and holds firm during turbulent times. Roots are the life of a plant, your soul is your root."

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