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Diets do not work its like a temporary fix, if it even works. Its more about calorie intake and watching what you eat. Its also about working out. What I don't get is people trying to lose weight just getting a colonic or detox or what not, because wasn't elvis carrying 40 pounds of poo inside?

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Oh yeh, I don't think it would work because of the protein factor. Protein is what makes you full, so you need to figure out how to take in more protein, less calories, less carbs and less sugars.


protein and FIBER!


...i remember reading somewhere that there isnt anything in grapefruits that have been clinically shown to help people lose weight. Its probably just the fact that you'd be having something filling, watery, low cal, and healthy before the meal that would help you lose weight.

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while grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamins, there isn't anything in there clinically proven to help you lose weight.


Up your intake of fiber. Trust me, it works. I first heard about it from my anatomy and physiology professor (not only does it fill you up, it apparently grabs on to the other food in your system and helps work it through faster so you don't absorb as much of the fat.... i believe the guy, he was a highly accredited prof at a very good university)

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a grapefruit before everything doesn't alter the badness of say a jumbo jack.


but i know if you get sandwhiches and such with pickles as a topping, they will help with the digestion process and keep a % of the calories blocked. so the grapefruit is pretty acidity like the pickles, but eating horrible after still isn't good.

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I agree with above posters. Eating a half grapefruit before a meal will help you lose weight, not because there is some magic in grapefruit, but because grapefruit is very high in natural fiber and will help you feel full faster and hopefully, you eat less of the meal.


It's a good natural addition to any daily diet and is a good source of vitamins and fiber but it really isn't a protein food. It's a fruit, a carb, a sugar, but not much if any protein.

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If you want to feel full with less calories, eat slow and chew a lot. It does psychological wanders by eating slow and letting your mouth do the digestion rather than putting stress on your stomach (that's why you feel tired when you eat too much!).


I eat a lot but when I can remind myself to eat slow, I do eat much less and feel full by end of the meal.

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I never did this but my mom told me she did this once after gaining a lot of weight after giving birth to me - all she did was eat grapefruit and lost 20lbs very quickly. Never gained it back either...


She said everytime she ate a grapefruit she felt very full and no need to eat anything else. Not sure if that was a very healthy thing to do but it did the trick. So, I can see eating half a grapefruit and a much smaller meal which in turn would make you lose weight.

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I never did this but my mom told me she did this once after gaining a lot of weight after giving birth to me - all she did was eat grapefruit and lost 20lbs very quickly. Never gained it back either...


She said everytime she ate a grapefruit she felt very full and no need to eat anything else. Not sure if that was a very healthy thing to do but it did the trick. So, I can see eating half a grapefruit and a much smaller meal which in turn would make you lose weight.

Well my aunt had to have surgery and she said the doctor gave her a diet because she had to lose weight fast, and it was either drinking 4 oz of grapefruit juice or eating half a grapefruit, and then the rest of the meal was basically Atkins geared ( meat and vegetable and she lost a substantial amount of weight that's why I was wondering. I am going to try it and see for myself.

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Well I don't know about grapefruit since I don't like the taste of them but I find whenever I eat lots of fruit and vegies, I get too full to eat a lot of other stuff and I lose weight! Maybe that's why I am plumper now cos I only eat maybe one fruit and one or two vege a day.

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