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Are you mourning the loss of a loved one?

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Hello. Would just like to say that if anyone has been bereaved and would like to talk things through I am very willing to listen. My dad died in 1974 when I was 9. I lost my Mum and brother in 2002. They died 5 months apart. My sister lives in NZ. I have my husband and 3 children but still feel as tho' all my family are gone, the original ones if you know what I mean, the ones that go back to my childhood. I find that talking about how you feel and how you are coping with other people in the same situation is such a great help.


When I lost my mum and bro I also lost faith in life itself. I am not a very religious person. What I mean is I don't go to church, but I do have faith.


As times gone on tho', I feel there was a lesson to be learnt and that lesson was how important life really is and how we should appreciate it now when we have it. The loved ones we have lost will never be gone while we are still here to remember them. Nothing can take them away then.


I hate the thought that people are out there now feeling the pain and loss I did I guess and I just want to listen and try to support. Its what helped me.

Take care

Trish XXX

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tishatti, thank you for your heartfelt, sympathetic post. i might have to take you up on your offer soon unfortunately having lost your mother and brother is beyond terrible, but at the very least you have a family of your own who loves you very much and who is willing to support you in any way possible...for they have lost members of the family as well.


the reason your post especially touches me is because you say you lost your dad when you were 9. that is simply an injustice to you as a person and i send my deepest condolences, tho 30 years late . my father right now is terribly sick fighting for his life with each passing day. i am willing to make my peace with the situation seeing as how i got to know him, but i have a younger sister (15) and brother (6!! ) who really should not have this happening to them. my dad is a noble man, helped others his whole life in charitable work, and loves his family more than life itself. he doesnt deserve this and itz extremely unfair not only my family, but the rest of the world...he still has more people to help. it seems like some horrible nightmare and you're hoping to wake up soon , you know? anyway thanx for listening to me. when did you mother and brother pass? was it recent? i would be more than happy to help if you still have issues to sort out. i'll send u a PM...



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I lost my mother in 2002 as well, the tail end of the year in December. I just went through the one year anniversary of her death, and it was a very difficult time for me. I'm only 20, so I feel a lot of times as the poster above me is feeling now, that it was an injustice to my mother, the family and the world that she was taken so soon. Especially as I strongly believe it could have been prevented. She had a tumor growing in her colon for 8 years and they didn't find it until May of 2002. It was hard to watch her go, and I'm sure it was hard for you to lose all 3 of your close family members.


I'd like to talk to you more as well, if you don't mind.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello. I'm Tishatti2002 but I lost my password and had to open a new account. Thats why I havent been on


Just want to let everyone know that you can e-mail me anytime you like.


I run an MSN bereavement group since I lost my Mother and brother in 2002. It means alot to me as do all our members.


Please feel free to join if you wish. Otherwise know that I am aorund to e-mail if you need to discuss your feelings, or you can add me to your MSN messenger friends list

Take care and much luv and hugs,

Trisha4691 XXX

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