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Need to Relax?

Dark Prince

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When I'm out in public most of time and especially during the semester I find myself a little too tense when meeting new people. I"m usually pretty open to meeting people and trying to make new friends. However, over time I have failed to make any new friends outside of the group I already have.


I noticed that I'm a bit too tense and not calm enough to go with the flow in an attempt to make conversations and being that fun all around kind of guy.


What can I do to make myself more relaxed in a way that I am able to have that kind of aura, if you will, to attract people into a social circle?

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Talk to anyone and everyone, people in the supermarket, old ladies on the bus, old man in the park, it gets easier and easier and you will never see them again so it doesnt really matter, its all just good practise.


That's always been my main goal and I've gotten pretty good at it while I'm at work helping people.


I think sometimes I do think too much that I forget to actually have fun with life and that's what ends up with me forgetting how to make new friends...

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I noticed that I'm a bit too tense and not calm enough to go with the flow in an attempt to make conversations and being that fun all around kind of guy.


What can I do to make myself more relaxed in a way that I am able to have that kind of aura, if you will, to attract people into a social circle?


When you find yourself going with the flow, you are actually being very quiet so excuse yourself and go to the bathroom or just take 5 out of the circle, then think of something to say and enter the room again in a new frame of mind.

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