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I need a diet

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The onlky way I ever lost weight really fast and a lot of it was by going through a break up where I was too miserable to eat. The only good thing that came out of it was that I lost weight...But then I gained it back when I started feeling better....Just saying....Cutting your calories really low will make you miserable...Try eating small meals throughout the day like I'm trying to do....And exercise, which I have the hardest time getting myself to do...! I just posted something wondering how many calories people ate....I think in order for me to loose more weight, Id have to eat around 1200 calories.

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Really the only healthy way to do it is as the above mentioned cutting your calories. Also look for foods that are low in carbs but high in protein, to keep you full for longer and give you more energy so you work out more.


Exercise is always important. I've been using an exercise bike and its done pretty well for me, it burns alot of calories, especially if you go fast.


Eat lots of vegies. They are very important and keep you healthy, make sure the meat you eat is a lean cut. Nothing too fatty, and generally only one serve a day.


But in the end it may take time. I wanted to lose weight fast as well, but my dietitian has told me only to aim for 1/4 - 1/2 a kilo a week. 1/2 kilo is about one pound i think. Maybe a little less.


If you lose weight too fast you will just gain it straight back, when you reach your goal you will be happy, but then you will try to eat right again and back come the pounds. Slowly but surely is the best way.

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Exercise bike is good from a fitness perspective but from a calorie-killing-fat-burning perspective, the best cardio is fast-paced walking (4.5, 2.5 incline, 30 mins) , interval runs (run 2 minutes, fast walk 1 minutes, repeat for 30) elliptical (steady pace, keep your heart in your fat burning zone)... doing this cardio 5-6 times a week for a month will really help you shed the weight. Strength training is a necessity as well to help you tighten up! However, you'll notice after the first week that your water retention is gone and you'll be 5-10 pounds lighter.


Combined with a healthy diet (rich in proteins, whole-grains for carbs and good fats) of small meals spaced out every 3 hours or so (5-6 meals a day)


Your attitude isn't the best in approaching this though. If you're looking for a quick fix, you'll never be satisfied. Anything that will get you there easily is probably not good for you...it's hard work that pays off.

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Balbino, good advice, you must have studied up on this...I am going to take your advice...The hardest part about dieting is the motivation part and getting past hunger pains....Trying to keep the diet level and as easy as possible will help make it a lasting affective diet. So that said, take it gradually, dont push yourself with the execise either, or you wont enjoy it and start to dread it...Kinda like I feel...But just make yourself get out there and move around more, start with just jogging around a couple blocks every other day and add a little bit more every week....I should be taking my own advice!

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i disagree that there is any way to be on a diet for a short time, and not forever. it's not about a diet, it's about a lifestyle change. sure, you can lose weight fast, but then if you go back to old eating habits and old exercise habits (or lack thereof), the weight will come right back on.


i lost 35 lbs with weight watchers some years back, but then decided i didn't want to stay on weight watchers for the rest of my life, so all the weight came back. this time around, i've decided to treat this as a lifestyle change, not as a diet. I lost 8 lbs my first month, and have lost a total of 30 so far, trying to lose another 10.


i think it's just not worth it to try to lose weight 'fast.' if that is what you want, let me suggest Spanx control underwear/undergarments, a slimming black suit or pants, high heels, etc... wearing the right clothes can make you look 10 lbs slimmer. if you need to look trim for a certain event, i'd recommend not having any salt the day or 2 before the beach party, wedding, etc... so that you aren't retaining water.


as fast fix might work for a little while, but then the weight will just come right back on.

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The fastest way to lose weight is on a liquid diet that is monitored by your DOCTOR.


How much weight do you have to lose?


Make an appointment with your Doctor and then do all slimfast up to 800-1000 caloires a day and watch the weight melt off......




My best...



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Balbino, good advice, you must have studied up on this...I am going to take your advice...The hardest part about dieting is the motivation part and getting past hunger pains....


Trust me on this. If you eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day, you will not be hungry. Your body will adapt to this eating style and your stomach itself will eventually shrink so that you will not be able to eat as much as you used to. Drink lots of water or chew gum if you're hungry in between and don't ignore your body. Have your meals when you're hungry, but be sure to get them all.


Another perk you'll notice is the healthier you eat, the healthier your cravings will become. I still get the random craving for sweets (I enjoy baking...and eating my masterpieces) but your "Bad" cravings will really diminish the more you stick to it.

Trying to keep the diet level and as easy as possible will help make it a lasting affective diet. So that said, take it gradually, dont push yourself with the execise either, or you wont enjoy it and start to dread it...Kinda like I feel...But just make yourself get out there and move around more, start with just jogging around a couple blocks every other day and add a little bit more every week....I should be taking my own advice!


It's good advice. I find that people often get intimidated going to the gym or starting to exercise because they can't do much to begin with - or have no idea where to start.


When I started going to the gym I was basically imitating the person that looked like they knew what they were doing. Then I got professional help and now people approach me in the gym for tips.


A personal trainer is an investment that pays off if you're serious about getting fit.

cut out all carbs and exersize


Also a myth. Cutting back on carbs won't do much. You need carbs to get energy, but stick to the GOOD carbs - whole grains. It's also better to get your carb load earlier on in the day so you have a chance to burn it off.

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What do you consider to be "quickly"?


Lifestyle changes do give fast results. In my opinion of what is fast!


But if your idea of "quickly" is dropping 20 pounds in a few weeks and you don't have much to loose to begin with - well, there is no getting around the fact that it will be not so healthy and the pounds will come back.


There is no way around it. No easy fix.


And another thing to consider is what really is your goal? You might lose the weight and still feel poo, and not look the way you want to. I've seen people do that time and time again.


Because it is getting FIT that gives you a killer bod - even if you have some extra pounds - not just being a certain number on the scale.


Especially once we are talking about being close to, or in, your healthy weight range.


How much do you want to lose? Is it your ideal - and is it in your healthy weight range?

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