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just curious. How many calories a day?

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Eating later in the day does affect how your body metabolizes those calories. At night your metabolism slows down and more of those calories can be deposited as fat for use later.


Exercising actually speeds up the metabolic rate for even an hour or more after you are done exercising. Your body burns fuel at a higher rate.


It isn't a myth. Yes it does come down to calories but not all calories are equal and you can change your metabolism through activity.

I mean, 2000 calories worth of ice cream isn't equal to 2000 calories in fresh vegetables, fish, lean meat, fresh berries and salads, right? So the calorie thing is a guide to be used with quality diet and exercise. It does work.

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Your problem may be that you're getting too many carbs... carbs have a de-stabilizing effect on blood sugar. you get a rush after you eat them, but then your blood sugar plummets and you get hungry again and crave more carbs.


You need to start getting more pure sources of protein in your diet, without a lot of carbs and fat. Potato chips of course are the worst... salt, very high carb, and fat.


Try switching to having some unsalted almonds as snacks (only 5 or 6 of them) every few hours to stablize blood sugar and reduce cravings.


You might want to do research on the glycemic index, which is a rating for how fast particular foods convert to sugar (and can also induce cravings because of spikes and drops in blood sugar). Rice cakes and sugared cereal as a rule have a very high glycemic index and as such will stimulate cravings rather than satisfy hunger.


Vegans have to work harder to get adequate protein. Your bodies quest for calories may be telling you you're not getting enough protein in your diet, and you need to look for ways to do so without adding a lot of carbs.

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Vegans have to work harder to get adequate protein. Your bodies quest for calories may be telling you you're not getting enough protein in your diet, and you need to look for ways to do so without adding a lot of carbs.


There is a lot to this, quality proteins hold hunger off, you will feel less hungry. That's one of the pros of the Akins diet, but the Atkins is too extreme.


If I want to lose a few pounds, I step up the protein, veggies and make sure I get enough fiber. It's not dramatic but it works, and it is a good pattern for life.

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Yeah, Im very conscious about not eating too many carbs and getting enough protien. But I might need to add more if I want to loose weight and not be hungry all the time. The cereal I eat is whole grain extra fiber cereal and has about 6 grams of protien per serving, as does the soy milk I have with it..So that is 12 grams..Then for lunch I usually have something with beans like a borito, and that has about 9grams of protien. Finally for dinner I eat tofu or tempeh and/or salad with almonds and nuts...The snacks I have in between probably have little protien though...Fruit, popsicles, rice cakes..Actually the rice cake is whole grain organic, so that might have protien in it too. I really think I am good about eating a good amount of protien and a good array of colored fruits and veggies and whole grains...But I think I will be even moreso cautious about getting enough protein now that you say it..Because there have been times when I am all about the carbs...

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