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just curious. How many calories a day?

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I was wondering around how many calories a day most people eat, including if they consider themselves average weight ot over or under. Also how active they are.


Here is why I'm wondering. I consider myself average weight. About 5'8, 130 pounds on a good day. There have been times in my life (many times), when I ate like a horse. I would probably eat like 3,000 calories a day or something. I ate as much as a 200 pound man probably. Anyway, I guess my matabolism is high, so the most I would get up to is about 140. Which felt uncomfortable for me. I have been down to maybe 120 at my lowest weight, and although I felt good and liked it, many people thought I looked too skinny, and it made my boobs much smaller. My ideal weight is 125, but my problem is I really have trouble cutting down calories. This is how a typical day of me watching my food intake goes:


I eat a bowl of cereal with soy milk (I'm vegan) about 300 Calories

I eat a snack or two before lunch, a piece of fruit or rice cake 100cals

I eat lunch around noon time, something healthy 300cals

Between noon and 5 O'clock it is hard not to snack.

I eat healthy snacks though like fruit or rice cakes or popsicles200 Cals

So far before dinner I have used 900 calories..Here is the hard part!

My dinner will be a healthy meal with protein and veggies and grains and low fat, usually ends up being around..................................600 calories

Thats 1500 calories, but I just dont feel satisfied and need a low calorie sweet treat to finish my day off 100 Cal

And then I want another.... 100Cal

So by the end of the day I really have tried so hard to eat healthy and limit my calories to lose that last 5 pounds, but I still usually eat between 1700 or 1800 calories....ANd to me, that just keeps me at a stand still....


Okay, maybe this post is boring..But how do people do it? Do they just let themselves be hungry every night, because that seems to always have a bad consequence in the long run for me. I take two half hour to hour long walks a day....By the end of the day I dont have much energy to go jogging or exercise, but I know that will help.....It just seems impossible to even cut back on 500 more calories, which I know would help me loose weight...I also always feel bloated and my stomach is always upset...Maybe too many fruits and veggies? Am I overeating? I usually feel so much better when I dont eat as much, but it is hard to do...

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hmm. I guess I probably just need to go jogging or something....But I have such a hard time motivating myself to do it when I am watching a baby all day and have to have energy for her. When the parents take her, the first thing I want to do is eat dinner and relax....But I would probably have more energy anyways if I pushed myself to jog. So if I went jogging, and then lost those 5 pounds, and then stopped jogging but kept eating a moderate diet, would I gain the weight back? Thats my fear....that if I dont keep the jogging up for the rest of my life, I will just gain the weight back....

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hmm. I guess I probably just need to go jogging or something....But I have such a hard time motivating myself to do it when I am watching a baby all day and have to have energy for her. When the parents take her, the first thing I want to do is eat dinner and relax....But I would probably have more energy anyways if I pushed myself to jog. So if I went jogging, and then lost those 5 pounds, and then stopped jogging but kept eating a moderate diet, would I gain the weight back? Thats my fear....that if I dont keep the jogging up for the rest of my life, I will just gain the weight back....


if you have time to jog, why would you quit once you started? why not be physically in shape? have a good heart so you can be around longer for that kid.

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I just dont know if I could keep up jogging for the rest of my life. Thats a huge lifestyle change. I am not good with sticking with things. I have had periods of my life when I would jog every other day and feel great, but I could not keep that up forever. I can try....Other than that, I think I am in good shape. I walk a ton, and eat really healthy.

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Isnt it a myth that eating later at night makes you gain weight moreso than eating calories earlier in the day? They are all the same calories......Arent they?


i think it is a myth. but i like to know i burned a lot of calories during the day and can sleep peacefully. plus, if i eat a lot before bed, i seem to toss and turn all night. probably from digestion.

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ghost69, I know I should do cardio and exercise more...I just have this fear I wont be able to keep it up, no matter how much I want to....Especially when in the months when it is too hot outside or too cold or wet or rainy. I have joined a gym in the past and felt it was a waist of money, as I'd only go once or twice a month....I guess my answer is I should exercise, but I just need to learn to do it!

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ghost69, I know I should do cardio and exercise more...I just have this fear I wont be able to keep it up, no matter how much I want to....Especially when in the months when it is too hot outside or too cold or wet or rainy. I have joined a gym in the past and felt it was a waist of money, as I'd only go once or twice a month....I guess my answer is I should exercise, but I just need to learn to do it!


that is a waste of a membership and money.


I usually like to save my calories during the day to enjoy a nice satisfying dinner and a little sweet treat at night.....I always seem hungrier in the evening too...I winder why..


it is better to have some calories over the course of the day. all spread out and more frequent eating than saving up for a hearty meal. your metabolism will boost by eating more meals with less portions. you will burn more. that doesn't mean eat a glob of crisco every few hours though. gotta watch what you are taking in.


the way you are eating - a lot more at night - is probably making you keep weight on. why? cause your bodies knows it won't be able to eat hearty like that until tomorrow night. so what does it do? stores it up.

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hmmm. maybe so....I just eat snacks and smaller portions throughout the day and a larger portion at night, because most people's dinners are larger than their lunch and im used to that. should i eat a bigger lunch and smaller dinner?

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hmmm. maybe so....I just eat snacks and smaller portions throughout the day and a larger portion at night, because most people's dinners are larger than their lunch and im used to that. should i eat a bigger lunch and smaller dinner?


it would be better. but i still suggest more smaller meals throughout the day.

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wow! Really? I thought I ate alot before....You must have very high motabolism. Is that photo of you? you look skinny. I used to eat almost that much, and it didnt seem like I was that much more heavy than I am today eating half that much! It is frustrating!

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I dont think that is Britney spear..is it? I guess thats off topic..But yeah...I used to eat around 3000 or more a day....And was probably 10 pounds more than I am now...I guess you could consider me a little chunky at that point...At this point I am just average I think....

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I didnt think that was Britney Spears..haha...Wow, you are lucky to eat anything you want and have such a high motabolism. I guess when you are tall, you have to eat more...but that is still a lot without any exercise and being so skinny!

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I dont know what a UK 12 is in US sizes..But I hear you about loving food....I love food as well, but rarely eat junk food. The junk food I eat are all natural sorbet popsicles or soy chocolate pudding...Both of which are addictive......My downfall is potato chips, which I refuse to have around me anymore....You do look skinny for eating 3000 calories, but skinny in a good way..Not anorexic skinny....

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I think i look skinny in avatar but not prof pic, i just have slim arms and long legs and torso, UK 12 is US 10 i think??? way far from size zero of movie stars!! Yes i do love food, its really bad i am worried because i live for food and clothes. The junk u eat doesnt sound bad u know...i love fries burgers, pizza, fried chicken, cakes, arghhhh but then i do eat healthy aswell, i also do walk around the city alot.

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hmm, you look more like a size 2 or 4 US size....Dunno....Yeah..I dont eat any animal products, so that helps....But I still manage to eat alot of food....But I am trying to be good. I wish I lived in a city I could walk around in alot....I also love food and shopping....I can shop all day and not be hungry..But when I am not shopping, I usually am munching on food...I have no money to shop right now though, and trying to save money and loose weight, so it is difficult breaking these two habits of pleasure!

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