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Dark Prince

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I didn't exactly know how to title this thread....so that random title came out of no where.


I don't think I have the right approach when it comes to flirting. I fail dramatically every time. I mean, I start out with the nice talk, but I don't seem to have that edge in the flirting scheme to really make a difference in the conversation and hopefully get the girls number. There's just that one thing I think I'm missing.


Usually at work, I get that one opportunity when a girl my age walks in, but it always seems to fail miserably. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Is there really an edge to it?

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I didn't exactly know how to title this thread....so that random title came out of no where.


I don't think I have the right approach when it comes to flirting. I fail dramatically every time. I mean, I start out with the nice talk, but I don't seem to have that edge in the flirting scheme to really make a difference in the conversation and hopefully get the girls number. There's just that one thing I think I'm missing.


Usually at work, I get that one opportunity when a girl my age walks in, but it always seems to fail miserably. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Is there really an edge to it?


DO NOT APPROACH A WOMAN TO FLIRT. DON'T come with the intention of dating. Just befriend people. Things will naturally blossom or they won't. Period.

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Do you think that it could have something to do with you approaching people while you are at work? I personally wouldn't find it attractive or cute that someone, who is supposed to be helping me, flirts instead.


Also, flirting is a mutual thing. The other person has to have some interest in you right off the bat, otherwise it just won't work.


If you are really looking for a relationship, then I would suggest you do some sort of speed dating. In this case, all the women you approach will be there for the same reason, to date and you guys share mutual feelings.


The next time you are at work, try NOT flirting with people, because you really don't know if that person is in a relationship or not? Just because they aren't wearing a ring, doesn't mean that they aren't hitched. Also, it's very unprofessional to flirt in the workplace and you could get in serious trouble.


Good luck!

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I didn't mean to come off that I was purposefully going up to girls to try to flirt with them. I am always in the work mode when I'm at work and helping people, I just meant that I find it hard to lighten it up afterwords. Say, I'm helping someone and during the process I find myself attracted to her, what do I do then? I would like to keep the conversation interesting and get to know her a bit.



Yea, I obviously shouldn't approach a women with the full intention of asking her out, I've always had the intention of making friends with as many people as possible.


I'm trying to befriend as many people as possible my age, but more so on the girls side, since I haven't had a real friendship with a girl since I was back in kindergarten/first/second grade....


I'm sorry if I came off that way.

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Do you mean flirting with people I work with or customers my age? I thought it was alright with the customers that might happen to be a girl I am interested in. I don't think I'd flirt with people I work with, unless it was just for fun and we were already friends.


I do go out, but most of the time its by myself since my friends have wacky work schedules. I don't go to clubs or bars or anything, so if anything I would have to meet these people at the store by running into them randomly or something.


For some reason I find it hard to befriend with girls and no I wasn't flirting with them off the bat. I don't get it...

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but don't be their friend. if that makes sense.


I believe that makes sense, I think.


Then again, I'm also trying it increase my friendship with them as I don't exactly have many female friends either. I believe I've noticed that with girls I've talked with from the classes I've taken that I seem to give off a serious tone and I believe that's what always scares them away and why I haven't been able to make a new friend.


I want to be able to have a personality that I'm sociable and approachable, because right now, it isn't helping my situation at all.

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