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Let it Happen Twice


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I let the same man hurt me twice. You would think it would hurt less the second time around but it doesn't. I let him close to me and he hurts me again. I hate him, and I hate myself for letting it happen. I was never important enough to protect. He always chooses to spare and protect others feelings at the expense of mine. Why wasn't I worth protecting. I guess I am just venting having a bad day.

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For me....the embarrassement of being taken AGAIN....puts the extra sting into it.


I let it happen 5 or 6 times with the last one. Boy, do I feel like a dummy.

And what sucks the most is the incredible way he has of making it seem like it was all my fault. I just really realized this morning what happened and I sent him a text telling him. He didn't respond because he's a coward and he knows that I am dead on.

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And what sucks the most is the incredible way he has of making it seem like it was all my fault. I just really realized this morning what happened and I sent him a text telling him. He didn't respond because he's a coward and he knows that I am dead on.


Just promise yourself NEVER to let it happen again. Ignore him and do complete NC. You don't need someone like that in your life. Believe me, time will help you heal. Stay strong.

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And what sucks the most is the incredible way he has of making it seem like it was all my fault. I just really realized this morning what happened and I sent him a text telling him. He didn't respond because he's a coward and he knows that I am dead on.


yea....everything was my fault too. She was a coward as well. First break up...left it on my answering machine when I was on the way home from seeing her. The next few were emails and text messages. The last one I got nothing....she stopped calling and wouldn't answer or return my calls.

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This is just a "me too". I've let the girl I loved hurt me twice. No, it's not any less painful the second time.


But, look at why we let this happen - we wanted to give these people we love another chance. If we didn't give it to them, would we be at peace? Probably not... And so this had to happen, but maybe the second time it should give us better closure than the first. Let's not do it again.

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