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missing the ex

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i have been doing ok most of the time now...except now, i feel quite lonely and i miss my ex....


it sounds pathetic but i unblocked him from my messenger list....and just seeing his name gives me some relief....


i know i should stick to nc bec that's the only way. it is quite lonely though...

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I just finished watching 'Rescue Dawn' brilliant film by the way! The ordeals they went though - every time I see stuff like that I'm reminded of her. Because when ever she felt down I was there for her... I can't do that no more... I feel so sad.


I know what you're going through, we all know and walk that path... but think of it this way, better to walk it than to stay put. At least that way we'll reach the end at some point...

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thanks everyone. i am just reading a book to pass the time. i guess it doesn't help that i am physically sick (with the flu) which triggers the loneliness (thoughts of how nice it would have been if he were here to take care of me).


blocked him again. can't believe it's been 2 months since the breakup.

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i have been doing ok most of the time now...except now, i feel quite lonely and i miss my ex....


it sounds pathetic but i unblocked him from my messenger list....and just seeing his name gives me some relief....


i know i should stick to nc bec that's the only way. it is quite lonely though...



Give it time, you'll get over him.

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