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I messed up...... I broke up with him and 4 days later I tried to make it right, he said that he would come and talk too me about it and that day never came. Monday I texted him and said that I was going to be returning the vehicle that he had given me for my bday and some other things I had on my mind and he called me and said that the bottom line was that I didn't trust him, and basically he said that he had a lot going on in his life at the moment. I was a coward and didn't ask so does this mean you don't want to get back together. I took the normal route I usually take and got angry and hung up before we could finish the conversation. That was Monday and I haven't heard from him since.


We had been together 4 years and he was just starting to treat me the way I really wanted him too, I love him, but I have pushed him away by being impatient, mouthy, hving and attitude and trying to be in control at all times. He would always tell me things are going just the way you want them too, but I couldn't see it. I always felt like I had to protect myself from hurt. We've broken up before and we have always found our way back, but this time I don't know.


He was not perfect. Not by a long shot, and sometimes I wonder why would I even want to be with him at all or why would I even care if he ever talks to me again but I do. I know he's under pressure so I am trying to stay out of his way, but the not knowing is driving me crazy. I don't even know if doing NC is the right thing I mean I broke up with him. When we last talked on Monday I sent him a text telling him a few things one of them being that I loved and missed him. When he didn't respond I sent another saying why was he ignoring me and he called and said he wasn't that he was just getting out of the shower and that he would read it, before we got off the phone we had a laugh about something and that was it. It didn't end on a bad note so why haven't I heard from him. I don't know what to do. But I do know that I am in panic mode so I won't contact while like this.

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maybe hes confused on the rollercoaster you have put him on...i have been there and i didnt know what to do....try to be patient maybe let him come to you i know it sucks but do the opposite of what you feel

I know you are right to let him come to me, that is what I keep telling myself, show him patience. But I am just so scared that he will never come back towards me.

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I know you are right to let him come to me, that is what I keep telling myself, show him patience. But I am just so scared that he will never come back towards me.



well sweetie i know you have posted on mine....i have been on and off for 3,5 years with a girl that i gave my all to.....when we would break off.....i let her go...we would cross paths as hard as it was....this time its the hardest because it could be it for good because she flat has said she wants to move on and give this "im dating someone but nothing serious" guy a chance....it kills me because its probably more then shes saying it is.....i am having a hard time but i learned self control to let be what will be.....i hate it i want to see her now and all i think is shes wanting to see him

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