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After NC deadline, how do I reconcile in a long distance relationship?


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I've been going NC for about a week now, and I've been working on myself, but in a few weeks time my ex will be back from her vacation, trouble is how the heck do I initiate reconciliation when she lives miles away. Out of state!


I know the phone call casual talk thing is a first step in my situation or email, but....


How could I make the time to meet up for a brief lunch or coffee? Over the phone? I can't just say I'll be flying over there now can I? About 5 hours flight time. I REALLY need advice on this from people in a similar situation, or any feasible advice would do...


Many thanks in return!

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Long distance relationship are really tough ......some make it some don't. I've always felt that at some given point in time that one person has to move to be with the other person...... and if they don't do that that some other person closer always seems to creep in there, and if you're far away its hard to protect against that especially if the other person gets lonely .......only time will tell. If you want to see him, then go to him and really tell him how you feel. The truth always comes out in the end ......


Good Luck

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Thanks for replying, Kuhl, but I'm the dumpee, she's the dumper. Being in a dumpee's position it's going to make things a lot tougher for me to slowly reconcile with her.


How can I be in control of the situation when I'm thousands of miles away? I mean a call there an email here... that's about it... And any sudden moves, like moving to the same state as her, is going to send her retracting, won't it?




What could I say to start rekindling passion? It would be easier if I WAS physically there, then a coffee outing could lead to a roller coaster ride in a theme park or a theater....

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