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A quick backstory - the ex and I have been broken up for over 18 months now, (he was the dumper) were together over a year. I guess you could call us "friends" - we're not in contact very often, but we talk every now and then. He's moved on, had another gf since me, and has subsequently broken up with her too (although I'm not sure who actually did the dumping, as they both claim to have done it). I've moved on (for the most part) but haven't had another bf yet. Don't get me wrong, I've had the chance, but I just don't have time for a bf right now, I'm focusing on my career and I need all my focus on the course I'm doing, so I pass with great results. No distractions.


Last night, I got a text from him, in the middle of the night (about 2am) to say that he'd come home from a night out, hopped into his bed, and thought of me, so he thought he'd text me. What? How weird is that! I'm sure he's come home from a night out many times (he is always going out partying) and there were probably a few times he's thought of me, but never text me, so why last night? How random.


Anyway, he claimed to be drunk, but knowing him like I do, I don't think he was. He was making complete sense in all his texts, and I just have this feeling he wasn't as intoxicated as he made out. He mentioned hooking up next time I'm home (I live in a different town now) and he's mentioned that a few times before. Its not going to happen. He must have fallen asleep because the conversation ended abruptly in the middle of it, and the next moring (this morning) he said he was so drunk the night before. I don't really believe him.


I didn't realise we were 'close enough' to do that - "I thought of you so I thought I'd text you". I just found it really strange. And when he mentioned hooking up again, I thought 'right - so its like a booty call, that's all'. I find it weird that he admitted he was thinking about me, and had to text me to tell me.



What do you guys think about this?


Thanks for reading.

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Are you sure he meant 'booty call' when he said hooking up? I have heard people use that expression for just having a meeting or a coffee.


Assume for a wild moment that he was interested in getting back together - would you entertain that idea?

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Are you sure he meant 'booty call' when he said hooking up? I have heard people use that expression for just having a meeting or a coffee.


Assume for a wild moment that he was interested in getting back together - would you entertain that idea?


I'm sure he meant booty call. The word he actually used was quite vulgar and would be bleeped out if I wrote it here.


I would hear him out at least, but I don't think it would work - I live 5/6 hours away now, plus he's not the same guy he used to be...

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Generalising about men with meant-to-be-funny put-downs isn't going to help anyone. It is what this particular man means and what his individual intentions are that matters to the OP.

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Thanks everyone for their replies.


Just to be clear, I know it was like a booty call - he directly asked me for sex, I know that. But I don't know if he was serious or not, because he's asked before, but then text my sister and said he wasn't serious... I'm not asking if you think he wanted sex, I'm asking what you think about him texting me full stop.


What I was most curious about was why he had to text me to tell me he'd been thinking about me - as that was the main point of the text, not the 'hooking up'. That's not like him to admit something like that - whether he was drunk or not. I don't know what to think about that, and just found it strange.

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