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dieting frustration. End of the day eating

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Does anyone else who diets, or who has been on a diet had the problem I have had. I go all day, eating reasonable portions of breakfast, a couple snacks, and a descent sized lunch. Probably about about 800 - 1000 calories of food, but then around 5 O'clock right around when I want to eat dinner, I want to eat about 500 hundred more caloris, but instead I eat almost another 1000 calories...Why is it so hard at the end of the day? I can control myself all day long, but it seems like in the evening I am suddenly starving. Anyone have this problem. or know why this may happen? Or what might be good to do? Thanks

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hmmm. I dont know if I can because I am vegan. And most of the plan includes meat I think. I dont know much about it. Thanks for the advice though, maybe I should look into it. I just want to lose about 5 more pounds, but I have never been good at dieting. I eat pretty healthy, I just love food too much!

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Thanks everyone..I think it might be the 3 Oclock stretch that is hard for me...I eat a bowl of satisfying cereal around 7:30 or 8, and then have a 100 calorie snack around 10:30 and then eat my lunch around 12, then I need another little snack around 1:30, and one more around 3..And then I cant wait to eat a real meal after that and wait for 5 to eat dinner. But then I get disappointed when i eat it all cause I looked forward to it, so I eat something else...Then I feel like I need something small and refreshing like sorbet or a fruit to finish the day off...Maybe I am just eating the amount I am supposed to, and in dieting I'm supposed to be hungry...

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I eat raisin bran kind of cereal in the morning, and have a snack of rice cake or fruit, then I usually have something like a frozen bean borito with rice and beans for lunch, then I snack on soy pudding or soy yogurt or another rice cake or fruit and veggies. Things like that. Then for dinner I make a salad often times with almods in it, and then I have a stirfry of tofu and veggies, or a lentil or bean item. But all those calories add up! The beans and tofu and nuts are what fill me up the most. I used to eat more sandwhiches and potato chips and things like that, but I've been much better about it.....

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The frozen bean burritos have about 280 calories and maybe 6 grams of fat. they are satisfying because they have rice and beans, and I eat alot of fruit and veggies, so I need some things with substance. The stirfrys, when I do make them, have maybe two tablespoons of olive oil, and I dont always eat the whole thing. Everything else I eat throughout the day has little to no fat, so the beans, and the olive oil isnt that bad. I think I eat healthy, I just have a big appetite that I have trouble controlling after 5. I guess that is just the struggle of a diet?

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You can snack on baby carrots in the evening, it's hard to over do them and they are somewhat sweet. I eliminate all the "bad" foods from my house so when I am tempted to eat badly, there is nothing there.


Also marinated olives are great, tons of flavor which sometimes is what you are craving, your diet sounds a little bland. Baked tortilla chips and salsa are also very satisfying and get that need for flavor craving killed. Or dip rice cakes in salsa. Look for flavor experiments and it might help if you are getting bored with what you are eating.

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Just me, You are right...my diet is somewhat bland. I actually love the taste of healthy food, but I do like lots of flavor, which probably what gets me in trouble. I used to eat tortilla and chips and could almost eat the whole back.. The rice cakes are tamari sesame flavor, and they are about 70 calories. I just started eating those as snacks. But I have been trying to snack on celery and carrots, and I also eat a bunch of pickles sometimes for my salt cravings. I guess I dont eat that bad in the evening, it just always ends up being more than I wanted. Thank you for your advice. I guess there is no secret cure to not being hungry while dieting!

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what the goal of calories youre trying to eat everyday? did you make sure youre eating enough calories just to maintain yourself?


just wondering because for an adult i think less than 1500 calories is probably not that much unless youre really small. also ifyou exercise you should be able to eat more and just exercise more so that you can eat 3000 calories, but if you exercise off 3500 calories that day youd still be losing weight?


ps im not a doctor, lol. just trying to say i've seen a lot of people not eat enough food to function while trying to ' diet'

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Oatmeal in the morning at least it lasts me two to two & a half hours which is long lasting considering the low calories oatmeal have but you stay full. I hate straight oatmeal so I'll put scrambled eggs and bits of bacon.

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