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my current is friends with all of his exes - and doesnt understand why i am uncomfortable...

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Being shouted at, particularly in public, is not okay no matter what the situation is. Maybe he just lost his temper, but if this is a regular occurrence you might want to rethink this relationship.


However, the ex-gf issues are really not that big of a deal. They're exes. Be relieved that he didn't have some horrible breakups with bad feelings all around. Obviously he doesn't hold a grudge, nor was his behavior in past relationships so terrible that these women want nothing to do with him.


And regarding the woman who came up to him in the street- her behavior may have been inappropriate or rude, but his really wasn't. He introduced you as his gf and didn't accept a date with her. Expecting him to be able to predict or control another's behavior is unfair.

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However, the ex-gf issues are really not that big of a deal. They're exes. Be relieved that he didn't have some horrible breakups with bad feelings all around. Obviously he doesn't hold a grudge, nor was his behavior in past relationships so terrible that these women want nothing to do with him.


This really depends. Does he keep in contact out of a way of validating himself or is he really friends. Are they really friends or do they want more and he just can't see it. Too many variables to see, only you can tell.

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