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18 and in love?


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Ok, so Ive been with many guys, and Ive finally found the one guy that Ive ever been in love with(he is my age)..yes im only 18, but on a maturity level, we have surpassed most people our age. We are completely committed to eachother and all that jazz.... Now unfortunately, many people around me tell me im crazy.. that at 18, you cant possibly be in love...(ie. you dont really know who u are, u dont understand love, your too young) but my cousin (28) got married to a girl that he started dating at the age of 19, so yes I believe it is possible...

My family thinks that since im going to uni next year, i may as well just leave him, cause ill be meeting so many new guys..However, this guy honestly is all that i need..and why would I give up someone that i love just because ill be meeting new people... It just really upsets me that people dont understand how much we love eachother...

I had a friend tell me that i was just experiencing "lust", yet ive dated other guys who ive felt lust for but this is completely a different feeling.....

We have talked about our future together and we both feel the same way..

Neither of us are the type that want to just try new experiences and other people...we love what we have and are fine with that... I just keep telling people that love isnt about the age, its about the connection and experiences that you've shared together


my main question is

What do you think of the idea of being 18 and in love?

Are there any people out there that have dealt with the same thing or know of people who have married someone they met at a young age.

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My opinion is that you are too young to jump into something like marriage with this guy, but I don't think you're too young to be in love. I say this because I'm 19, and have been with my boyfriend since just after I turned 17, almost three years. I know for sure that I LOVE him, but I don't feel ready to get married. I think we could possibly get married someday, but don't want to rush into anything.


I think people are going to have very different opinions about ending things before you start college. I get it all the time about my bf. But I think that if you are happy together, there's no reason to leave him.

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I use to feel the same way.


I met a boy when I was 13. I was in love. I know I was. Long story short, it didn't work out.


Then I met another boy. I was 14. I was in love. I know I was. Long story short, it didn't work out. (Gah, he was really somethin' sigh)


I was 15. I met a boy. I was in love. I know I was. That one lasted the longest. I started to go to university while we were still dating. I didn't think I would ever like/need/want/whatever anyone else. Man, was I wrong. Long story short, it didn't work out.


So, yes I believe that you could be in love. It's up to you to decide whether or not you are. But I think it is certainly possible. Love is blind so I don't think it cares what ages you are! haha...


But as for leaving or staying with him... You will prolly decide to stay with him but I wouldn't be surprised if you left him when you got to school. You will prolly change you mind about him when you see what else is out there. And don't worry... you can fall in love more than once.

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yea i dont want to marry him yet...but like, we talked about moving in, in four years(when uni is pretty much done for us)....cause we want to start saving up now... is that wrong of us to do


OMG LOL you will learn SO much about him when you do move in with him. I moved in with my first serious relationship (the one I met when I was 15). I ran away with him when I was 17. Thank whatever-deity-you-choose I finished high school and got myself into university.


But good luck no matter what you decide to do.

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Yes, you can be in love at 18, why not? You can join the army, buy ciggies and alcohol and vote etc, why should love be denied you?


It's all subjective after all, we all have different definitions of love, but if you feel something then you feel something and who is anyone to tell you that you are not feeling what you are feeling - whatever it might be called.


Enjoy your love. It's a beautiful thing.


ps: maybe those naysayers are just jealous ha!

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Oh, sure you can be in love at 18! I think getting married young is usually a dumb idea though, and the people I've known that have done that usually end up unhappy. Just enjoy the feeling- there's no rush to make a lifelong commitment so soon!

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Of course you can be in love at 18.


The one thing you must realize is that both of you are going to change a lot in the next few years. The challenge is changing together and becoming closer, instead of changing and growing farther apart. Sadly most couples that age grow apart, but it doesn't mean you can't make it.

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I'm 18 and in love!! I've been with Nick for three years and we are engaged. We are going to move in together before we get married though.. you know a try it before you buy it thing We plan on having a long engagement anyway, we are going to get school done before we play house. We started saving money together when I was 16, and year after being together.. My mom married at 19 and still in love.. my god mother at 15 and was still madly in love but sadly her husband just passed in a helicoptor crash.. they were married 30 something years...


So yes, you can love at a young age.. but don't get rushed in. How long have you dated this guy. Remember the first few months are the "honey moon " months things may change after that

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I think it's ridiculous for anyone to tell you you're not in love. They are not you, they have absolutely no idea how you feel, and no one has the right to tell you anything about your feelings whatsoever.


I do think you should be careful, and make sure you don't invest your entire happiness in this person. Don't make them entirely responsible for you being happy, cause that just won't help your relationship. As far as going to uni is concerned, don't break it off before you go. That's just silly. Go, and if you don't manage to make it, then you gave it your best shot, and you'll know that. And if you make it through being apart for such a sustained amount of time, then you know you've got through one of the hardest things a relationship can be made to endure. If you break it off now, then you'll always wonder what could have been, put him on a pedestal, and potentially harm future relationships.


Good luck

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