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Terrible with Flirting....

Dark Prince

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So, I'm a pretty confident guy and i have a great attitude towards people, but I just have one problem.


I'm terrible when it comes to flirting with the ladies. I've been constantly thinking I'm going to try something different whenever I'm out and about, but I never do, and my head stops me before I even try. I do get looks from them, but when I want to take action, I can't seem to come up with a great opening or something out of the blue.


Then when I get home and watch something like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (awesome show btw), I can't get my head around how you'd be able to act like that in real-life.


So, I'm constantly going in a circle wondering why I always stop myself when I'm presented with that kind of situation and why I always end up in epic fail when I have the perfect opportunity.

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I do great with......


"I have a blow-up doll at home that looks just like you"....


If that doesn't work, try commenting on her shoes, purse, hair, etc.,.....


ask her how her day went, who pissed her off, who was nice to her, then find out why maybe.


Tell her a joke, ask her if she saw your lost pony run thru the bar...

tell her you have to find your 15 year old sister and sell her back into slavery.....

Tell her you're looking for "Missus Wrong".......


Girls like funny or considerate, pay attention to her and what she's telling you, she'll lead you and make it easy if she's interested. If she looks at you while talking, you're halfway there.....


If she continues "shoulder-surfing" the crowd, dude....move on!!!

good luck!!


Skip the following....





Old BF's/GF's

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so im no expert by any means, i have the same problem as you. Its weird though, i think because im bad with flirting i can give good advice because i know what my problem is. I think that when you talk to the girl at first if u really listen to her and not worry about what ur going to say so much. its usually easier, try to get a read on what you think she wants to hear. I donno though i know what u mean when i talk to a girl then there is that silence what runs through my head is, "uh oh... i think of something ot say before it gets awkward", then i say something stupid... then it gets awkward so i guess just listen and dont think too hard is my advice

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'how's your night going?'


'you come here a lot? my first time here. pretty cool place.'


'smile it can't be that bad.'


'oooh, what is that you are drinking? it looks good.'


we can't perform a whole conversation here for you man. there are so many avenues to take. so many different situational things to say.

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'smile it can't be that bad.'


As a girl, I like the sounds of this. If I think when I'm out and if say I was at a bar, in a lineup, sitting alone whatever and not smiling- this would spark at least a little interest.


Apparently you "get looks" from girls- well I'll take your word for it, you're at least decent looking that always helps. So the next time she's eyeing you- you better hold her gaze for just a slpit second longer than normal- that sends us a strong signal and if she doesn't look away like she just god busted checking out a boy, you better flash her a sweet smile (not a cocky, I want to get in your pants smile- we know those...). If she then smiles back- game on. You can either make your way over to her right then and there or give it a SHORT while before approaching her or making another lingering glance and smile thing; don't do this more than twice- we'll move on if you do. Now, approach her, smile, and ask her how her night is... if you can buy her a drink... if she was actaully smiling back at you- she should definatly carry on the conversation, accept your drink and she'll still be smiling.


Keep her laughing and smiling- it is key.

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