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Did I blow it with her?


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Hi everyone,


I am looking for advice. My situation is that I had met an attractive woman at work approximately 6-8 mos ago. I have always been a shy guy. Well, about 2 mos before she was to leave for a new job (her job allows her to do a lot of travelling), I got enough courage to ask her out. She had agreed to do so and we went out with each other four times (I would have liked to have gone out more often, but our work schedule really clashed with each other), just keeping it friendly because of her leaving.


I like/am interested in this woman very much. The day before she left this job, I left her a card on her car window basically stating that I enjoyed the time we spent together, wished that we had more time to get to know each other, hoped that we can keep in touch, and that if we lost contact with each other that I wished nothing but the best for her.


When she left, a friend of mine informed me that she was also interested/liked me as well. But he also told me that due to me being very reserved and "playing it cool" that I had blown it with her. What should I do? I e-mailed her a few days ago and have not had a reply back from her. I have heard some of her friends at work say that she had taken a new job near where we live. Do I still have a chance with getting back with her? If I don't hear from her should I e-mail or call her? Or should I just move on?


I would like to hear what everyone has to say.


Thanks in advance.

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First I would like to say welcome to enotalone frome everyone here. Now I know where your coming from I have been there done that. Well I would say call her. I think you still have a chance with her. So go for it my friend, and keep us updated.

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