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Just got back from an interview. It was for a merchandising position and it sounds like a good fit for someone like me. It's creative, you work with a small team and you don't have to worry about customer service. The only down side is that like my former job with the reality tv star, it's a lot of pressure. If things aren't selling, then it's on you. You also have a lot of creative freedom. I'm not against that, but sometimes it can get pretty stressful when you're unsure of something. Creative freedom sort of requires a strong amount of confidence or I guess stubborn single-mindedness, without that you can go nuts trying to please everyone.


Anyway, I wouldn't say I bombed the interview, but I don't think I wowed her either. The conversation ended with her letting me know that she's still not certain about what the actual position available will be as they tend to promote from within and there may be something open at X or Y store. And even then, it'll be a month before she'll know. SO...I don't know. I'm not expecting much.


I am a bit frustrated with retail right now. I feel like I'm missing out on opportunities because of my personality. So, I don't know if I need to rethink this line of work or if I need to try harder.

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Yesterday was an awkward day. At work they asked if I could stay later, but I said no because I wasn't feeling well. Well, saying no to extra hours put my store manager on red alert because when she walked me out at the end of my shift, she asked to check the pockets of my coat. I went home and cried about that. The crappiness of it all, was kind of too much at that moment.


I'm not going to steal from a company because I didn't get promoted or didn't get whatever job I had my eye on. And after all this time working together, it's that easy for you to think of me like that??? So not right. It just made me lose faith in her a bit and feel a bit mistrustful. Like why is she acting this way?


Well, I found out why, when later on in the day S called to let me know that the sales position I had wrote about earlier, was filled. Not really surprising, just a little disappointing. No one ever got in touch with me about the position and I wasn't really given a chance. I wasn't even told that the position was filled. I don't think I was ever a serious candidate and my suspicions that my store manager was throwing a bone at me, was right. I guess she was trying to make me feel better for being passed over for that management job. Still it's a bit upsetting because why even go there? I'm not some kid that needs a false ego boost like that. Plus it was extremely stressful too.


Anyway, S also called to let me know that there was another position available, one that isn't so sales related. My name came up in talks and supposedly the district manager will get in touch with my store manager. Honestly, I would like the job. I think it'd be a great fit. But I'm scared to get my hopes up.

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Well, saying no to extra hours put my store manager on red alert because when she walked me out at the end of my shift, she asked to check the pockets of my coat. I went home and cried about that. The crappiness of it all.


Yikes, that was so horrible

What a piece of work your manager is!

Can you write up a report or something?

That's not right, what she's doing...


Feel better, Weeblie. So sorry you had to go through that...




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yeah, I can't write a report or anything because she's allowed to do stuff like that. Everyone has their bags checked before leaving the store, it's just the first time she's ever asked to check my coat.

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