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Help me understand what is going on


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I'll try to keep my story short.


I met a girl 9 months ago and we have gotten to be good friends. I have been contacting with her on msn almost every week.


Around last month I asked her to hang out to have lunch right before her classes starts and she said ok, and she said she'll call. 2 weeks later she still didn't call, but I know she has a final exam soon so I didn't think too much of it.


Anyways, last week I was talking on msn with her again and this is how it went:


1 side-note: she is one of those people that works a lot (sometimes more than 12 hours a day)


me: Do you want to meet up sometime?

her: when should it be?

me: well, when are you free? I'm usually free after 5pm on weekdays.

[20 minutes later after no response]

me: I want to make sure...do you actually want to hang out? cause I'm getting the feeling that you don't. It's ok if you don't want to..please let me know. I won't be sad or anything..just a little disappointed.

[15 minutes later]

her: sorry i went to shower. I worked for more than 12 hrs today. I'm tired. Oh and I got another job.

[after she read my messages]

her: I will, I just don't know when.. wait.. I'll talk to u tomorrow. I won't be going out just msn whole day.

me: ok. I'll talk to you tomorrow after I get off from work then. goodnight.



After that conversation, I have not seen her on msn for the past week. I think she blocked me. Right now I am just giving her some space and not contacting her.


The next time I see her is in September.


So what I'm trying to understand is...why do you think is the reason she would suddenly disappear after even saying that she'll talk to me the next day?


How long should I wait before I contact her again...and who should actually initiate the first contact now? Do I wait for her to contact me or should I try and contact her to find out what is wrong? I feel like calling her...but she's always busy.


Hope you people can help me out. Thanks.

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think you should let it go dude and move on


Well, I actually don't mind if we are just friends. She was a good friend, so I don't want to lose that.


Anyways, with my current situation, I will have to talk to her again in September because of a course that we're both taking together...so can't really just move on.

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Well, I actually don't mind if we are just friends. She was a good friend, so I don't want to lose that.


Anyways, with my current situation, I will have to talk to her again in September because of a course that we're both taking together...so can't really just move on.


yeah it doesn't seem like she's interested in meeting up as a friend or anything more. i wouldn't think about it too much or make a big deal about seeing her in class in september. if she really is a good friend you'll know because she'll be making an effort to show an interest in your life.

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