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ring on wedding finger


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OK, so im in a committed relationship but im pretty young (p.s im legal..im not 16 or anything, but many people think i look younger than my age)..anyways i wear a diamond(fake) ring on my ring finger which looks pretty real...the main reason is because (not to sound conceited or anything) but many guys are always trying to flirt with me, and me and my bf live far from eachother at the moment, so I wear the ring as sort of a ..stay away from me cause im taken..sort of thing


my questions for men is..


do u even look at a girls ring finger if ur interested?


If she had a diamond ring on, but she looked too young to be married, what would u think?


And women, do any of u do this? does it work?


any other comments are welcome

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The only way I would talk to a girl with a ring on her finger is if I somehow came about to hear that she just wears it for some reason other than having a bf/fiancee/husband. I would never get close enough talking to her to find out for myself... But that's just me, im pretty conservative

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OK, so im in a committed relationship but im pretty young (p.s im legal..im not 16 or anything, but many people think i look younger than my age)..anyways i wear a diamond(fake) ring on my ring finger which looks pretty real...the main reason is because (not to sound conceited or anything) but many guys are always trying to flirt with me, and me and my bf live far from eachother at the moment, so I wear the ring as sort of a ..stay away from me cause im taken..sort of thing


my questions for men is..


do u even look at a girls ring finger if ur interested?


If she had a diamond ring on, but she looked too young to be married, what would u think?


And women, do any of u do this? does it work?


any other comments are welcome



Well, I used to wear my keys around my wrist in this convenient bracelet thing. I had a keychain with my bf's picture in it. It didn't help......

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Generally I don't like when girls go into the "stay away because I'm taken" mode, especially at a young age (since relationships at a young age tend to be made out as more important and concrete than they really are). Girls who do this think too much of themselves. They believe they're so attractive that they could have ANY guy who so much as looked at them to be their boyfriend. They also tend to give off the vibe that they think they're too good for anybody else.


Did you ever think that a guy who approached you was doing it just for the hell of it? Maybe even to practice for a girl who he was REALLY attracted to? My advice is to get rid of the ring. You should enjoy the attention you're getting and if you're that much in love with your boyfriend, just slip him into your conversation after a few minutes. Having friendly conversation/flirts with guys never hurts. No reason to discourage a guy from trying. I've flirted with dozens of girls who revealed at some point that they had a boyfriend, and you know what? It made me feel awesome and motivated me to go out and approach a couple more girls.


And I never notice a girl's rings. I don't give a * * * * about the money they wear on their bodies.

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"who is that?"

"my boyfriend"

"he go here?"




Maybe I should start lying...


"who is that?"

"my boyfriend."

"does he go here?"

"he's actually coming back from the bathroom right now, and boy does he look pissed."



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I cant say that I pay attention when a girl is wearing a wedding ring, eventually I may see it but with so many girls pretending that they are married, I usually dont give it much thought. I look more toward her actions to determine if the ring is real or if it is just a prop.

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I do not think a wedding ring discourages men from "flirting". It might discourage them from asking you out, but if you are out in a bar or similar venue and they find you attractive, and you are sitting close by, it wno't discourage them from flirting.


It might make some men flirt more as they figure they can have a lot of goofy fun for the night flirting around without having to worry about dating you.

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I was actually thinking more of....


"who is that?"

"my boyfriend"

"does he go here?"

"why do you care?" SHUTDOWN


haha, yeah, that would be pretty good.


Maybe I should start being meaner. But, of course there are always guys who have weird attractions to girls like that. I think I'll keep to dealing with the weird guys I'm familiar with and not open up that can of worms....

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haha, yeah, that would be pretty good.


Maybe I should start being meaner. But, of course there are always guys who have weird attractions to girls like that. I think I'll keep to dealing with the weird guys I'm familiar with and not open up that can of worms....


i wouldn't say mean, but more direct and firm. you don't want anything to do with some new dude. why give up more information? you don't owe this person a conversation just because they want one. especially when there intent was to get somewhere with you.

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