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What happened to your wedding ring.


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I still have my wedding band in it's box in the bedroom side table. I have no idea what my ex did with her rings, but she might have sold the engagement ring as it's a nice 3/4 carat Tiffany white, clear diamond. I spent half my entire net worth on it 19 years ago.

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My amazing 2ct set from my first marriage was pawned about 2 years after the divorce. It paid my mortgage while I was maternity leave.


Since my separation from my current husband both his and mine are in my jewelry box hoping to see the light of day at some point.


I find the rings extremely symbolic and important. Currently they are a very sad reminder of hurt and damage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm keeping my wedding ring for now in my lockbox in my office, until I figure out what to do with it. I like it, though I won't ever wear it again, even on another finger. It's not valuable enough to be worth re-selling, which is what I did with an earlier engagement ring (from a different relationship). I don't feel strongly enough about it to throw it away. Basically, I'm not sure yet what I want to do with it - it's only been a month. Maybe I'll just keep it hidden away.


[Edited almost a month later] there's a volcano just outside my ex's hometown that I've been wanting to climb to the top of (it's mostly inactive now). I have to go back up there at the end of May to sign the divorce paperwork; I'm toying with the idea of throwing the ring over the rim into one of the thermal vents. Kinda Lord of the Rings-ish We'll see if I go through with it or get too sentimental at the last minute.

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Great thread! Cheered me up. I like the tree one, especially.


I gave mine to my husband 4 months ago after he told me he did not want the emotional or financial burden of marriage. (Gaa! I'd forgotten he said that! A burden!) It was my symbolic gesture. I did not want to keep it, and couldn't have stomached using the money from it, even though I could use it. He said he'd keep it safe and if I wanted it, he'd give it back. I can't imagine wanting it, and I can't imagine him not losing it. (He loses things all the time.)


Now that I think about it, though, I should have thrown it on a sidewalk somewhere for someone else to find, maybe with a note saying it needs a new home. Or sell it and donate the $ to the women's crisis center. Or offer it on link removed for young lovers who have no money, giving it a hopeful future...

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  • 4 weeks later...

My ring sat in my jewelry case for several months, finally it got to my purse - cause I knew I was going to pawn it. Sat in my purse for another couple of months. Finally, I drove by a pawn shop and had my chance. I sold it and turned around and got a mani-pedi with part of the money.


I hated the sight of the ring - it reminded me of all the lies I was told during our marriage. Even about the ring itself. One night he told me a story about how he got the ring and how much he paid for it - knowing full well I didn't care how much it cost him, or where he got it from. It was a lovely story, and I was so touched by his endeavors.


A few months later... my computer crashed and I had to re-do the books... having to go back into the previous year, I found the charge - he paid 1/4 of what he said he did for it and bought it off eBay. It was just another lie.




I hope it doesn't ruin someone elses marriage!

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