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What happened to your wedding ring.


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My first ex, my rings and our mizpah coins are in my daughter's scrapbook, I want her to remember that he and I really did love each other at one time - it's really too bad he couldn't get away from his addictions, we were very good when he was straight.


the second ex... scumbag sleezball that he was ( I find out 5 years TOO LATE) Our divorce was final on halloween, 1990, my first ex took all the kids out trick or treating, I went down to the river with my rings and marriage license and a lighter... burned the license and threw the rings into the dam. Yes, it did make me feel better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A friend of mine put her wedding ring on an eyehook and nailed it to a sapling in her backyard. Over the next few years while she healed, the tree grew around the ring.


She says there is something comforting about knowing exactly where it is without ever having to look at it again.


Love that idea. Wish I had heard of it 2 years ago!


I still have it in a box with some other jewelry he gave me that I don`t want to wear anymore. I did try pawn it, but was offered only a few bucks for the gold. I didn`t though - someday I might want to melt down the gold and silver and make something with it, or repair other jewelry with it.


Nobody will ever want the engagement ring though. My bf asked me what that ring in the box was and when I told him he burst out laughing. The diamond is the size of a molecule.

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My husband dropped the D word on me this morning. When we separated last year, he went on a skydiving trip with the girl he was dating and threw his in the ocean.

I still have mine. I wore it this week. Not anymore, though. Not after he told me he wanted a divorce this morning.

I like the idea of selling it to have it melted down with a bunch of other old meaningless gold jewelry.

I like the tree idea only I worry it might make the tree sick.

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I keep wanting to put mine on an old, unused surfboard I bought at like 15 YO, douse the whole thing with gasoline, and push it out into the ocean at sunset and watch it all burn.........


One day I might actually do it......

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I had been divorced about a year and was pissed off taht my ex didn't pay his child support like he should have. He still hasnt...


Anyway I walked into a pawn shop and told them I wanted $105 dollars. His eyes about flew outa his head and he said was I sure. It was worth more than that.


It really felt good to sell that nice ring for one weeks daycare. I sure could have got more but that was part of it. I bet he would have hated to know that I sold it for only 105.

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I had been divorced about a year and was pissed off taht my ex didn't pay his child support like he should have. He still hasnt...


Anyway I walked into a pawn shop and told them I wanted $105 dollars. His eyes about flew outa his head and he said was I sure. It was worth more than that.


It really felt good to sell that nice ring for one weeks daycare. I sure could have got more but that was part of it. I bet he would have hated to know that I sold it for only 105.


You go girl!

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How are you? Having the anniversary letdown? The first one for me, I took hard. I took down a needlepoint that my mother made when we were married that had our names, and the date, etc. that was framed in my office. i cut it in half and sent it to her. Kind of signaled the end for me.


The second just came and went with no reaction on my part.


The anniversary I took the hardest was the year after I got served the divorce papers (day after X-mas) at my front door in front of the kids. She was still living there (when I got served without knowing she had an attorney) but she did not come home that night or call.

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Yeah Tigger......

I pulled mine out last Dec. 3rd and looked at it, it would have been 20 years, well I guess it actually was 20 years as our divorce wasn't final until May!!


Over a year later and she still has dresses and coats in one of my spare closets.


I've asked her if she wants them, and she says "maybe", but I can't bring myself to throw them out. The first few months, I'd go in there and throw my arms around them and bury my face in them because I could still smell her on them but the smell has long since faded as has my need to smell her perfume.

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Quite a popular thread


Something I didn't mention in my earlier post. I took mine off a few months before we separated. Thinking back, I was miserable living with her as well and over the last few months of being together I was getting nothing from her as a wife..


But when she left I was gutted and did all the stuff I would typically cringe at doing now


yes, admittedly, I was miserable in my marriage too..


She has the ring I put on her, and she has the ring she put on me as well.. What she's done with them, its anybody's guess.

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My husband is divorcing me next year. I found out 3 months ago he didn't love me anymore. I still wear my ring and am not sure I will ever get rid of it.


I have some wonderful memories. It's just a shame they have been blighted by such a love lost.


I guess when we do divorce I will have to take them off. Hurts but what can you do.



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  • 5 months later...

I stopped wearing my engagement ring, it was my grandmothers so I am keeping it in my family. Long ago I had the band and the ring made into one ring. Then I didn't like it because it was too clunky and turned it back into a solitaire. I have it stored in a safety deposit box in the vault at the bank. I was just thinking the other day that it will probably never be worn or sold even though it's a quality diamond. After I'm gone I won't care what happens to it.

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  • 1 month later...

It took a few months of thinking about it, but eventually I pawned it. Every now and then when I drive by the pawn shop I took it to I feel somewhat regretful. I know it was for the best though, because if I still had it I would be looking at it all the time and would be even harder to move on.

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hmm.... this crossed my mind this past week... I looked at mine, which is still in the jewelery box... we separated last april... but I took it off a long time ago, as a symbol to him that I didn't feel married. It's a very nice ring.. I have no idea what I'll do with it... maybe one of my sons will want it? My daughter will not... as she and her step dad didn't get along so well.

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