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What happened to your wedding ring.


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I am divorced from more than six years and still have my wedding ring. It has a special place on my dressing table. I don’t wear it any more, but when ever I’m away from home for more than a day I will take it with me on a chain around my neck. Can any one relate to this, or what happed to your wedding ring?

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I am divorced from more than six years and still have my wedding ring. It has a special place on my dressing table. I don’t wear it any more, but when ever I’m away from home for more than a day I will take it with me on a chain around my neck. Can any one relate to this, or what happed to your wedding ring?


Do you miss your ex? Do you miss what the ring symbolizes? The fact that this ring has so much specialness attached to it that it holds a special place on your dressing table and that you need it with you when you go away sounds to me like you have not completely moved on from your relationship with your ex.

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Do you miss your ex? Do you miss what the ring symbolizes? The fact that this ring has so much specialness attached to it that it holds a special place on your dressing table and that you need it with you when you go away sounds to me like you have not completely moved on from your relationship with your ex.


Sometimes when I'm lonely I do miss him.

He was very special and I did destroy it.

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I am still married and still wear mine, except when I forget to put it back on after a shower or going to the gym (it is a little big now, I have lost a little weight) ... OFF TOPIC I know: But my husband hasn't worn his in over 2 years. It kinda hurts, his got too small but I think he should have at least offered to get it resized, instead of just leaving it in the medicine cabinet.

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It wasn't a wedding ring, but a ring given to my by my alcoholic ex...really the only material thing he ever gave me.


It's somewhere in the desert outside of Las Vegas....wherever it landed after I made a solo trip out there, found the most desolate looking place I could and hurled it, screaming at the top of my lungs.


It was very therapeutic.

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I told him I wanted to give it back to him. And after much grandstanding and posturing about how he gave it to me & its mine forever blah blah blah BS BS.....he took it back. So, I know he has it somewhere or he has sold it or whatever. whooo knows & I don't care. I was a beautiful ring though.

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One of my closest friends did the same thing after his wife died.


In fact I had another friend whose wife walked out all of a sudden. The day his divorce was finalized, he went up to a hill in the country, buried his ring as though his wife had died. He said it was his way of gaining closure.

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Mine's somewhere in a jewelry box (i think). i thought about throwng it into a deep river somewhere as a freeing gesture, but then i realized i didn't care enough to go to the trouble!


I liked that idea to put the ring to good use... maybe someone would find it in a million years when excavating and wonder what the significance of that object might be... after a while in my case it symbolized nothing!

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honestly, im not sure where the engagement ring is. I kept it in my purse so when I'd go to a bar I wouldn't get hit on (kind of odd that it was, at one time, a REAL engagement ring)... It's either in the backseat of my car or on my bookshelf.


I need to sell it. Sell it and book a plane ticket to see the boy.

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When my recent ex was packing to move out, she came downstairs with her rings and the certificates. She asked what I wanted to do...


"Do you want to split the money when I sell these?" I just said "No, they are yours, do what you want with them.


I immediately went upstairs, without hesitation, and flushed mine down the toilet.


Funny, I still have my wedding band from my first marriage, and probably always will... it sits in a wooden box on my dresser along with a diamond ring she bought for me.

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Right after we separated I threw it in the garbage... but then fished it out the next morning. Haven't quite been able to get rid of it since. I like the idea of doing something useful with it.


A friend of mine put her wedding ring on an eyehook and nailed it to a sapling in her backyard. Over the next few years while she healed, the tree grew around the ring.


She says there is something comforting about knowing exactly where it is without ever having to look at it again.

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