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Long term future?

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In every relationship you want to know that you both will last a very long time. Well, we're together, fairly happy and I know we love each other. But she hates this country... she wants to live in Europe when she gets older. I really don't. I like this country, and enjoy what it has to offer.


Maybe I should end this soon because I don't know if I want to spend these years with here only to have everything disappear because she wants to move away.

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If you stay together, one of you may may change your mind about where you want to to leave. When people get married, one will often move to be with the other, or make some sacrifices to be with the other, and vice versa...it's partly about compromise.

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How old are you? Perhaps this is just her wishful thinking, then reality will intervene. i.e., you have to get a visa for abroad, find work, learn the language, etc. Maybe she really like to travel and only thinks she wants to live there.


I've know people who really talk about living abroad, when what they really are reacting to is the fun of an overseas vacation. The logistics/reality of moving there might not have even been thought about.


You could also compromise and spend your vacations travelling there.


But if she is talking about seriously moving soon and has concrete plans, then may you might have to split up if you don't want to move.

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