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LOTS of Self Injury


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I think I drink for the wrong reasons. I cant go to sleep so i down vodka.

I think I am hurting myself because I am in a a situation with who a personally depise. When he disappointments me I blame it on myself for even listening to him.


Once again I am so upset, I cant deal with the disappointment. It is almost self hatred to this point. Why do I keep listening to him? WHy cant I just walk away?


I am trying to do better but I think I should just go.

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Drinking never solves the problem, it do make things worse. You have to stop drinking and start to think, how it will be possible to change the situation you are in, drinking is only a way of escape for awhile and will never help. Some times walking away from a problem is the best way, or solving it "the best" you "humanly" can is good enough, Darling you can't fix everything in life, there is nobody on this earth that can say they don't have problems in life and they have all the answers.

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Ive been sitting here trying to think of exactly what to say...er type...to you because I can identify with a lot of what you wrote. Im not sure if I can give you any advice but here goes.


In my experience self-injury was a lot about being mad at myself for not being good enough or whatever. For me it's something that never will go away...I mean nobody is ever "perfect" or "good enough" so it's a feeling that I have to check myself on all the time. I usually talk to myself and say - "Okay * * * * , this is makin me wanna cut. i wanna cut. but instead im going to do..." and i go workout or call a friend or watch my favorite Simpsons episodes or talk to my boyfriend about it and the urge usually goes away. It doesn't work all the time I will confess, but it never goes away completely so I take it day by day.


When I used to drink a lot was the period of my life where I did the most damage to my body. Once I cut out drinking so much the problem of cutting decreased exponentially. If you're not to the point yet were you will be forever scarred from drinking and cutting, take it from me do anything you can not to go there. Reach out to someone if you can. I wouldn't wish living with scars all over your legs and arms on anyone.


If you think you have a problem with alcohol you have to deal with that first because it effects everything else.


Lastly, I know somethin or too about jerky guys, haha! If this guy is contributing to your unhappiness then it's time to move on. I know that it can feel like someone is the only person on this earth for you. But if someone makes you unhappy and treats you badly...they are not the one. End of story. Period.


You are not obligated to tolerate abuse from anyone.


I guess I wanna just tell you that I have been there. It was very dark and empty and lonely and painful. But I got through it! It is possible so hang in there!


Hope it helped a little....

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I think I drink for the wrong reasons. I cant go to sleep so i down vodka.

I think I am hurting myself because I am in a a situation with who a personally depise. When he disappointments me I blame it on myself for even listening to him.


Once again I am so upset, I cant deal with the disappointment. It is almost self hatred to this point. Why do I keep listening to him? WHy cant I just walk away?


I am trying to do better but I think I should just go.


Hey hun,

Well think about why you are with this guy in the first place? There are 2 very separate relationships here that you are talking about, and you are merging them as one which must be very confusing. Theres your relationship with this guy. And theres your relationship with self-injury.

Were you hurting yourself before you were with this guy?

Sometimes there are people in life who are just going to keep on hurting us, and who are not going to change and in that situation it is best to move on. But that will be v hard, lonely, etc. We're here for you though hun, talk to us. Tell us how this makes u feel..


girl friend

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