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What do I do??

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I have a friend who is very into me. I am not quite sure how I feel about him, I care and worry about him, but have not spent enough time with him to see if hes someone I would want to be with. He is deployed to Iraq. He knows that I am somewhat uneasy about him being in the military. Well today he sends me a message that he is resigning his commission, that his family will probably hate him for it, and he is coming back and he hopes that I am worth it.


I do not know what to say to him about that. While I do want to see him and spend more time with him, I know his military career is important. I am just unsure what to do.

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He hopes that you're worth it? That's kind of a weird thing to say if you aren't even dating.


Is he resigning his commission because of you? Has he done it yet?


If you're unsure about how you feel, can you tell him that you know his military career is impt to him and that you support him either way?

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He hopes that you're worth it? That's kind of a weird thing to say if you aren't even dating.


Is he resigning his commission because of you? Has he done it yet?


If you're unsure about how you feel, can you tell him that you know his military career is impt to him and that you support him either way?


I just dont want my answer to drive him away or hurt his feelings, thats my main concern, plus he is going through alot right now, he may see this as his only option. I guess I am just confused also.

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OK, is this person resigning his commission for YOU? I mean, does he think once he's back you'll be his girlfriend?


I'd make sure that he understands he shouldn't resign just for you (if you don't even know whether you want to date him or not). He should resign if it is the right thing for himself, not because of you.


If you've given him no reason to hope to be with you, then i'd worry he is obsessed and delusional to make such an assumption to leave the service for you.

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