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Ever get yo ass beat?


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What happened? Did she need stitches or was it just a little smack?


I was younger then, I'm not so violent anymore. She needed stitches, but didn't get any, she's still got a awful scar above her eye. If you hit someone just right under the eyebrow, the skin will just split open....


I'm not proud of the way I acted, but people shouldn't go around sleeping with other people's significant others.


To this day if I see her around town she quickly disappears.

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Hmmm....even if I caught my SO cheating, I wouldn't beat the other person up.


Imo, it's the person who cheats fault more than anything. I don't think I'd beat my SO up either. I'm pretty non confrontational but I'd definitely let them know that "we" are over.


Thats the way to be....I unfortunately have quite a temper...


My ex that I broke up with this past winter, when I found out he'd been cheating I hit him upside his ear with my cell phone in hand. I felt bad immediately b/c I know it hurt.....Its like a reflex for me....but its not the way to deal with things. I've only resulted to it when I've been hurt sooooo badly like these two situations....oh, and one time in high school when this girl I cheered with made fun of my dad's prosthetic leg. She got slammed w/a lunch tray...I think she deserved it more then the girl that slept with my boyfriend.

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Personally it depends.


If the guy knew me, and still did it. I would prolly be in jail.


IF I didn't know the guy and depending on what I was told. I wouldn't.


IF it is a "I didn't know you were married" I can't harm him.


If it is a "I'm married", "so..." situation, oh he's getting his butt whooped.

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hmmm, the only thing that I've ever done like that was....


one time I pushed this girl that sat next to me in band off the stage during a Christmas concert. She was really mean because she was jealous of my trumpet playing...or something like that.


Out of nowhere, she turned to me and said "you will never be as good as me in any aspect of your life." I just nudged her chair and she toppled right off into the orchestra pit. I didn't get in trouble either but all the flute players that sat in front of me know that I did it. They gave me high fives after the concert.

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Never understood the whole beating the other person up thing. I had someone come after me (turned out bad for him). The way I see it is - I didn't know she had a bf, it was the first night I met her. Why would this guy be coming after me whouldn't it be logical that he would be furious with her? If it was me I would kick her ass to the curb and sleep with one of her friends.

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I've never been beaten up because of that, but I've been on the other side of that fence before. I caught my GF with another guy and went after him. In retrospect, it was 'probably' a bad idea because he was a cop... that didn't really matter when I scissor-kicked him down a flight of stairs, though... LOL

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I've never been beaten up because of that, but I've been on the other side of that fence before. I caught my GF with another guy and went after him. In retrospect, it was 'probably' a bad idea because he was a cop... that didn't really matter when I scissor-kicked him down a flight of stairs, though... LOL


You didn't get charged with "assault of an officer", did you?


Because that'd be BS if you did. It was a domestic dispute and him being an officer shouldn't influence the case. As long as he wasn't on duty at the time....

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Thankfully, I didn't. He didn't even press charges. I had met him before and he "knew" that she and I were together. In a weird way, I think he knew he deserved it. Oddly enough, I did see them at a bar and managed to make him mad somehow by just being there and he told me that he could "write me a DUI just for being here". While he IS a cop; I'm not without my connections and on their way home, HE got pulled over on DWI suspicions. -We don't like eachother...

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Thankfully, I didn't. He didn't even press charges. I had met him before and he "knew" that she and I were together. In a weird way, I think he knew he deserved it. Oddly enough, I did see them at a bar and managed to make him mad somehow by just being there and he told me that he could "write me a DUI just for being here". While he IS a cop; I'm not without my connections and on their way home, HE got pulled over on DWI suspicions. -We don't like eachother...


man, what drama. I'm glad you didn't get charged though.


I just don't get some people. For me, taken people aren't even on my radar. I don't even consider it.

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My sister had sex with a guy in the toilets of a nightclub, classy lass she is...


Then he took her number.. the next day his wife phoned her and freaked, my sister told her they had only kissed but the guy told his wife they had sex.. ??? weird.


SOMEHOW the woman turns up at my house and asks for her, hits her, my sister nearly knocked her out lol but in the end they both just got dragged apart.

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I beat this girls ass for sleeping with my ex. I broke up with the ex too, but she needed to be taught a lesson....


Damn... all this freaking hostility. You ENA players are ruthless. I just can't relate.


Hmmmm, I'm hungry for a sandwhich. Pardon me ma'am... would you have any grey poupon?

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When I was in 10th grade, my literature teacher, Mr. Parks, introduced me to what is still one of my favorite novels of all time - McTeague by Frank Norris. If you judged this book by its cover, you'd certainly pass. It looks painfully dull, and I remember all of the other kids growning out loud in class when the assignment was leveled. However, we had to do a report on this book, so I went to task.... This is going to be miserable.


After only a few chapters, the book just absolutely took me. It was about love, passionate love, and unrequited love, and the ways in which we do and don't fall in love.... and also about violence. I was mesmerized. I had always respected this teacher, but for some reason, he just became a hero to me.


Later that semester, I was in the quad near Mr. Park's class, and about 20 students, fire and mayhem in their eyes, are running frantically in the same direction, and screaming. "Fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Two kids were scrapping, more were joining in. Everyone was cheering and yelling. I thought about going over there myself for the same reasons that people slow down on the freeway to watch what they imagine to be a gruesome accident.


Then, Mr. Parks said something that would stick with me forever. I don't know word for word now, but this is the gist...


"Violence is disgusting. This kind of behavior is disgusting. Are you one of them?," he asked me? I didn't know what he meant. "Are you loving that there's a fight going on? Are you going off to go get your hands dirty? Does this make you smile? These are kids. They aren't men. They aren't even close to men. They are children, and most of them will grow up to be larger children. The people going to watch this are just as bad as the people fighting."


I didn't agree with Mr. Parks at the time. I thought, "Chill dude. No big deal." But what I didn't want to do was dissappoint him. I lied and said that I wasn't interested, that I didn't like it when everyone fought all the time, that I never watched. He told me that he was glad, that he didn't want to think that was me.


Living up to his expectations meant a lot to me. I never really looked at things the same way after that. I became such a pacifist. Don't get me wrong, I'll attack if someone attacks me, but I'm not much for fighting, and it's not because I'm still afraid that I'll somehow, indirectly, be offending Mr.Parks and letting him down. Now I just don't fight because I feel like I'll be letting myself down.


BTW, the next book we read that semester was Golding's "Lord of the Flies". I think he was trying to tell us something, and it worked, at least for some of us.


Ok, ENA, sorry for the detour, carry on with the beating of everyone's asses. ;-)



EDIT: Damn... I'm such a freaking thread killer. They should call me "The Executioner". If you ever want a thread stopped cold, dead in its tracks, just call Jetti.

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Seriously, why the heck would I waste energy and oxygen on beating up two people who are, frankly, a waste of space? I'd e hurt, but to beat someone else for it? So not worth it, ever. And if anyone deserves to have their lights knocked out in such an event, it's your SO before anyone else. the other person may not even have known they were 'taken'.

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