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For the guys. Be the selector. It'll help


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You know one thing that never works? Acting authoritative regarding a subject that you are clearly not an authority on.


Hmmm clearly I'm not an authority on attraction, never claimed to be. I'm not perfect with girls. I get rejected just like everyone else. However, over the last year my level of success has shot up because I've learned to adopt attitudes and beliefs shown in the op.


So please, spare me the BS and criticize my thoughts and ideas rather than the person presenting them. I'm done responding to people's rhetoric.

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Hmmm clearly I'm not an authority on attraction, never claimed to be. I'm not perfect with girls. I get rejected just like everyone else. However, over the last year my level of success has shot up because I've learned to adopt attitudes and beliefs shown in the op.


So please, spare me the BS and criticize my thoughts and ideas rather than the person presenting them. I'm done responding to people's rhetoric.


Look up Pocodiablo's threads/posts.He gets through to guys better than you seem to be.

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So please, spare me the BS and criticize my thoughts and ideas rather than the person presenting them. I'm done responding to people's rhetoric.


Presentation matters as much as content - whether you intend it or not, you come accross a bit arrogant, as a bit of a know-it-all, and that's not a personality people generally look to advice from.

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Be the prize! No matter what people tell you. You should not chase the girl. Make her chase you! Nothing is ever 50/50. If you look around in the media you'll see the message that men should chase women. We have to buy her drinks, take her to expensive dinners, buy her jewelry... Etc to prove ourselves to her and eventually she'll be happy and say yes!


Source(s), please. Granted my knowledge of pop culture may be lacking, but I myself haven't noticed the concept of men kneeling to womens' every whim and plea in order to win their favour being portrayed and demonstrated en masse.

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If I guy does not want to buy me a drink but expect me to spend the evening paying for my own drinks and then wants me to quote my good points in 20 seconds or less, I'm going to think that 1) he's just not that interested, 2) he's cheap, and 3) he's an idiot and I can do better.

None of this technique would work on me, i'd find them offensive myself.


Why play these games? What is the point anyway? if you are interested in a gal, let her know.. all she can say is no, and then you move on.

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If I guy does not want to buy me a drink but expect me to spend the evening paying for my own drinks and then wants me to quote my good points in 20 seconds or less, I'm going to think that 1) he's just not that interested, 2) he's cheap, and 3) he's an idiot and I can do better.

None of this technique would work on me, i'd find them offensive myself.


Why play these games? What is the point anyway? if you are interested in a gal, let her know.. all she can say is no, and then you move on.


You know, in almost all of these types of threads, I see most of the women say something like "if a guy said this to me I'd laugh in his face, kick him in the groin, throw him off a cliff on fire, and then move to another state."


First of all, it doesn't matter what you think you WOULD say. What matters is what you DO say. I've heard countless girls say they wouldn't fall for certain flirting tricks, but when faced with them, they can't resist the guy. Now, that's nothing to be ashamed of because these things slice is saying are not meant to be offensive! I've heard PUA's talk about giving a girl "negs" (cheesy PUA lingo), or insults, to lower her self-esteem and make her more vulnerable. That's just idiotic, manipulative, and cruel. This is NOT the same same as playful teasing though! It's all about the tone you use and how you present it. Personally, I wouldn't think to use any of the "so you have 20 seconds to name 3 reasons why I should be impressed with you," lines, because quite frankly, that simply isn't my style. I agree with slice though that you should have such an approach in your mind. Think, "what are three reasons why I should like this girl?" and try to bring those three things out in her. If she doesn't show one or all of them, then she hasn't met your standards. Yes, this is a test, but females give males tons of tests whether they know it or not, so it's only fair for guys to do the same.


As far as playing games, I'm coming to realize that being direct doesn't work, no matter how confident you might seem. You come out and tell a girl you're interested, then she'll just continue to play games with you because she knows she can end it any time she wants. I've been direct and ballsy so many times, and what has it gotten me? No responses, no call-backs, girls avoiding me when they see me. Though you might say you don't want games, the truth is, whether you consciously know it or not, you want guys to be elusive. I really really wish this wasn't the truth since I've learned to be direct with ease, but for my age at the very least it is.

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It all depends on what age group were talking about here. I personally like the guy who's quiet, the one standing there with his group of friends and paying attention...rather then the one all up in my face, telling a line of BS. Because while his friend is trying to win me over with his stupidity....I'm noticing the guy thats saying nothing at all....the one smiling at me.

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I think girls test guys all the time... it's no wonder I always feel like I have to get a girl to like me (and still sometimes do).


I think what the OP is trying to get accross is that guys need to get rid of the "How Do I Get this chick to like me" attitude that so many guys have these days and replace it with "Does this girl present qualities that I am looking for" attitude.


The lines quoted shouldn't be taken so seriously, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. I have seen my friends use them in certain settings with success and I have seen woman who see right through it and walk away.


As far as tests go, it happens all the time and I think women test a lot more than men do. Perhaps on a subconscious level, but some are fully aware that they are testing, either way, I've yet to meet a girl that hasn't thrown something out there to see if I react right to it, so why is it so wrong for men to not do the same, and even the playing field?

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Thats all really good advice but it also depends on the girl.


I knew a girl who dumped her boyfriend because he wasn't buying her things.


Some girls are so hot they know they can get whatever they want and you have to buy them things, they practically live off their boyfriends.

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Thats all really good advice but it also depends on the girl.


I knew a girl who dumped her boyfriend because he wasn't buying her things.


Some girls are so hot they know they can get whatever they want and you have to buy them things, they practically live off their boyfriends.


I wonder what they'll do when their looks fade.

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