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That is true, i have gotten better tho, i have. I remember when we first broke up 3 weeks ago i was a state i couldn't eat or sleep, and i'm being able to do both now. I have only seen him twice over the 3 weeks and usually when we was together i'd spend most of my time with him. I've gotten used to him not being around i just think i haven't quite come to terms that he would be someone else's one day, i still feel like he's still "mine". I don't know. I do think that the break up was the right decision, whether we did get back together or not i do think it was right to have this time apart. I feel as tho i could really go back into this relationship a better person but i suppose i need to come to terms with that it will more than likely never happen. I'm moving away in two months to tansfer university so hopefully should it never happen again for us then atleast i actually get away with my dignity intact, knowing he's still here doing, well, not a lot and i'm off having myself a new life in a new city and that i didn't really NEED him, as much as i do want him right now. And when he eventually gets a new girlfriend it doesn't have to be shoved in my face!

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Update - he txt me this morning at 8.45 to say "yo! good luck with the job 2day. wanna hang out 2mo nite? lemme no"


For one, i'm surprised he was even up that early let alone to txt me! And 2, is it still just friendly? I think so.


Well anyway, i txt back about 10.15 saying thanks but i actually start work tomorrow n that i'll give him a ring when i finish and we could meet in town or summin.


I didnt want to come accross to eager, i don't think he'll reply til i ring him tomorrow evening but god i don't even know what i'm gonna say when i see him. I said i wanted to be "friends" with him, so, friendly stuff? And don't mention us AT ALL?!

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