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he wont let me leave


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ive been with my boyfriend now for 8 months. our relationship was amazing the first five months, it was perfect. we hardly fought but when we did we talked it through and moved on...welll my first ever post was about how i had gotten an abortion, manipulated into it by my parents, and from than on my boyfriend and i were forbidden to see each other. this means we have to constantly sneak around, i lie, hide my phone,make up stories, its quite frustrating. i havent been able to actually go out with friends since my abortion so when my boyfriend and i do see each other about three or four times a week, its only for ten to fifteen minutes. we have been constantly fighting and breaking up. because of the charges my parents pressed against him he is no longer able to become a cop.he has given up a lot for me. well everytime we fight, its bad. yelling name calling all sorts of things that arent healthy for any relationship. we break up and i feel calm, at peace.but than he texts me threatening to call my house and tell my parents and getting me in trouble. there are times he will call just to hear me beg to stop. he tells me that if i even thought of being with another guy he'd ruin it. he has threatened to put personal things on myspace. just today he sent me a picture of a woman with no arms bleeding and saying that would be me if i left him. he has never physically abused me ever. but i'm afraid to leave. just today he broke up with ME and than wouldnt stop calling my house. idk wat to do. i love him, i want to work out our problems but im afraid if its wont work that he'll make my life helll....what do i do?!

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, i want to work out our problems but im afraid if its wont work that he'll make my life helll....what do i do?!


Making threats of physical violence and emotionally abusing you don't fall under your category of hell?


I second the police suggestion, but also have to add that no matter how bad you think it is, your parents being angry will not be as bad as living like this.

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Yes, tell the police. People who have a healthy love/desire to be with someone typically don't threaten violence and send graphic photos describing how they will harm them. And I think you feel at ease when you're broken up because you know you're probably better off without him.


Would you mind if I ask how old he is? Some things in your post made me curious.

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Take the photo to the police. They will pay him a visit and warn him off. That is usually enough.


I agree with this 100%. What he is doing to you is abuse. Anyone who makes you feel afraid and bullies you into doing something you don't want to do is abusing you.


Please go to the police ASAP.

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Yes, tell the police. People who have a healthy love/desire to be with someone typically don't threaten violence and send graphic photos describing how they will harm them. And I think you feel at ease when you're broken up because you know you're probably better off without him.


Would you mind if I ask how old he is? Some things in your post made me curious.

he is 18 im 17

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he is 18 im 17


Oh, okay. When you said your parents pressed charges, I imagined he was older and you were much younger. But, it doesn't matter. What he's doing is serious enough that you can go to the police yourself and have them go to him and make sure he stays away from you. And if things really start to get out of hand, you might want to tell your parents what's been going on, apologize for breaking the rules, and tell them that you're scared. They will also help protect you and that way you won't have to be in constant fear that he will get you in trouble with them because they'll already know. Parents can be harsh at times, but at the end of the day good parents really only want what's best for you. And they will be on your side when you're in danger. This guy threatening you will be far more important to them than any rule you may have disobeyed.

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I know you must be going through sooooo much right now. Especially because of the whole abortion thing.


My mom always told me if I got pregnant she'd take me to the clinic and I'd get an abortion.


Hearing that always scared me, so I can imagine how horrible it must be to experience that. I'm really sorry you had to go through that.


Your boyfriend is abusive personality. When it comes to things like this, it always starts out somewhat mildly.


First he's blaming you for him not being able to pursue a career in law enforcement. When that is just as much his fault as anyone else's.


Then he's threatening to hurt you if you don't do what he wants.


And things will only become progressively worse.


Why don't you just tell your parents what has been going on and get it over with, that way he won't have anything to hang over your head. Write your parents a letter, that might be easier.


You'll need your parents help, to ward him off.


I had an abusive ex, and it took my parents, family friends, security guards, police, and a judge to ward him off. And before he laid off he spent a year and a half stalking me.


So it's best to nip this in the bud, early.


Best of luck to you!



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Go to the police. Your parents are already trying to protect you by not allowing you to see him. Let them protect you. Count on the people that truly love and care about you. Not on some psycho lunatic that threatens you and blames you for ruining his life.

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