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what happened?


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i met a girl online and we went out a couple times for drinks/dinner...


after that, we started hanging out alot...last week we spent every evening together...


i haven't spoken to her for a week, but we have at least texted each other everyday since. i'm really confused about what's going on right because it went from looking like something really good was happening to "what the hell went wrong here?". it's just really weird how this turned out. we had sex a few times and that's the only logical explanation i can come up with as to why she's gotten so distant all the sudden.


could it be that we had sex to soon and maybe that's the reasoning?

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If you met her online, there is a change she is seeing other guys. It seems like a lot of people on those dating sites aren't loooking for a serious relationship, even though they may claim they are. If possible, try and meet someone through friends. There's a better chance you will meet somebody decent that way.

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