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Swelling of the legs

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Let us know how the appt goes!


Hello everyone......


Had my appointment yesterday. The doctor immediately noticed the swelling, did his initial exam. Said he was confidant that it wasn't a DVT. Thinks it is more like edema, but ordered some blood tests anyway just to make sure. He said he could prescribe a water pill, but I already do more than my fair share of peeing....So no.....


Not to sure what else they could derive from the blood work.

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Edema can be common in many situations and conditions. It is the technical term for why my shoes don't fit when I take them off on the airplane and try put them back on.


The blood work might lead to information. We can easily become out of balance in our electrolytes, potassium and sodium and that imbalance restricts our bodies ability to remove excess fluids and waste.


I am sure there are many more common conditions that can cause this also, every pregnant woman probably has experienced this in some extent.


Good luck, I hope it is just a matter of finding what is out of balance and eating a few extra bananas.

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Edema can be common in many situations and conditions. It is the technical term for why my shoes don't fit when I take them off on the airplane and try put them back on.


The blood work might lead to information. We can easily become out of balance in our electrolytes, potassium and sodium and that imbalance restricts our bodies ability to remove excess fluids and waste.


I am sure there are many more common conditions that can cause this also, every pregnant woman probably has experienced this in some extent.


Good luck, I hope it is just a matter of finding what is out of balance and eating a few extra bananas.



That is definitely ruled out......LOL

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Hello everyone......


Had my appointment yesterday. The doctor immediately noticed the swelling, did his initial exam. Said he was confidant that it wasn't a DVT. Thinks it is more like edema, but ordered some blood tests anyway just to make sure. He said he could prescribe a water pill, but I already do more than my fair share of peeing....So no.....


Not to sure what else they could derive from the blood work.


It is unusual to have edema in only one leg without a specific cause, and electrolyte imbalances don't typical cause this.


I'd be curious to know what other tests he ordered?

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It is unusual to have edema in only one leg without a specific cause, and electrolyte imbalances don't typical cause this.


I'd be curious to know what other tests he ordered?


When I went to get the blood work done, there was a 3 hour wait at the lab, so I will go in tomorrow and hopefully I will get in and get out. I was looking at the paperwork, he had a few things checked off. I didn't bring it today. I'll look at it tomorrow and tell you what tests he's ordering.


I'm glad someone here can make sense of all this medical stuff.

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When I went to get the blood work done, there was a 3 hour wait at the lab, so I will go in tomorrow and hopefully I will get in and get out. I was looking at the paperwork, he had a few things checked off. I didn't bring it today. I'll look at it tomorrow and tell you what tests he's ordering.


I'm glad someone here can make sense of all this medical stuff.


What's concerning is that he felt able to rule out a blood clot without even doing a test for it. It isn't something you can see or diagnose/rule out without further testing (doppler studies, NIVS (non-invasive venous studies) etc.)


Perhaps he is just trying to rule out simpler causes before doing more tests.

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Well he said that usually when a blod clot presents itself there is one area of the leg that would swell considerably, I guess localized swelling where the clot would be. I don't know.....it's all so confusing to me. I told him that with the swelling, I get a weird sensation in that leg and foot. Sometimes it feels cold, sometimes I get a hallow feeling sensation if that makes any sense.. It stays swollen......The swelling will minimize some but never completely goes away.

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Well he said that usually when a blod clot presents itself there is one area of the leg that would swell considerably, I guess localized swelling where the clot would be. I don't know.....it's all so confusing to me. I told him that with the swelling, I get a weird sensation in that leg and foot. Sometimes it feels cold, sometimes I get a hallow feeling sensation if that makes any sense.. It stays swollen......The swelling will minimize some but never completely goes away.


Hmmm, yeah, that's strange. My father had a DVT and I take care of patients with DVTs and their legs are swollen all over, not just in the one spot where the clot is.


So I'm not sure what his rationale is, since I haven't found that to be the case.


Maybe you need a second opinion, or to be more assertive in asking for more diagnostic testing?

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I think it's an Omen.


I left work early on Thursday to get the blood work done. This would have been 4 days after my initial appointment. Took me an hour to get to the lab, grand daughter in tow and low and behold the entire building was closed for fumigation. Sigh.....


So I will make yet another attempt at getting the blood work done on Tuesday. Perhaps eventually I will have some answers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

an update although not much info


Ghost thanks for the humor in your post.....I now have cankles..... As sad as that is, the word cankle is just too funny. I'm trying to find some humor in all of this.


The blood work came back ok for the most part. The only concern the doctor has is my RBC is low (anemic) and has put me on iron and wants to run some more tests to try and determine why. Nothing to indicate why there is swelling. He's still not convinced there is any kind of blood clot, he thinks its just regulare ol' swelling that women tend to get.


However the past 2 days the swelling has almost doubled and I can no longer see my ankle bones. The legs hurt before but they are really hurting now. Getting up from a sitting position is painful.


He said the alternative might be to take a water pill and see if that reduces the swelling.


I'm kinda leary about the water pill thing. Doesn't that mess you up in the long run? I heard you have to keep your potassium levels up and alter your diet some.....


How long does one normally stay on a water pill?

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sorry metro. didn't mean any disrespect at all. but you know that.


it will get better.


No sweetie....I know you mean no disrespect.......I just thought it was funny when you said it and then BAM that's what happened to me......


U jinxed me......LOL.....


Still love your humor though.

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so are the water pills causing the swelling to help a possible blood clot pass?


Haven't started the water pills yet. I guess the doctor is going to call the prescription into the pharmacy.


He doesn't think there is a clot anywhere. He feels it is edema, I guess women tend to retain water and swell around the ankles and that is fine and all but I look ridiculous. I have old old lady legs at the moment......Find some humor in that will yeah? I need a good laugh.


But on a serious note, don't I have to totally alter my diet when I start taking those water pills? I think I have to wipe out sodium, increase potassium and I know there is something else, I just can't think straight at the moment. (must be all the water retention).

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Haven't started the water pills yet. I guess the doctor is going to call the prescription into the pharmacy.


He doesn't think there is a clot anywhere. He feels it is edema, I guess women tend to retain water and swell around the ankles and that is fine and all but I look ridiculous. I have old old lady legs at the moment......Find some humor in that will yeah? I need a good laugh.


But on a serious note, don't I have to totally alter my diet when I start taking those water pills? I think I have to wipe out sodium, increase potassium and I know there is something else, I just can't think straight at the moment. (must be all the water retention).


you want humor? i can try and cheer it up. but i don't want to offend.


i DO find it weird you were prescribed water pills when you are already swelling; but i can see the part about kicking out more sodium since it does cause water retention.

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Bananas!!!! When I was pregnant and retained water, they wouldn't prescribe water pills because I had low blood pressure, they didn't want it to drop lower, so I ate bananas, every day. Good source of potassium that works well for retention.


(I went from 130 to 176 and had an 8 lb baby and ended up at 135 after the delivery, guess how much was water?)


Do you get plenty of exercise? Have you thought of trying some calf raises or something similar and see if the increased blood flow through exercise has an effect?


Contrast baths --- hot water in one tub (100 degrees or higher but don't burn yourself) and ice water in another tub. Immerse one foot / ankle in the hot for 10 min, then ice water for 1 min, then hot for 4 min, then ice for 1 min. Keep up the 4 & 1 cycle a couple more times. This doubles the blood flow to that area by confusing the nerves and helps remove swelling. By the way, this feels great with an injury or arthritis.


I may be grabbing at straws here, but I do that, look for holistic additions when I have health issues. Most of the time I find something that helps a little.

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