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Coincidences or signs ???


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Last few days have been weird and am not exgaggerting......whenever I think of my Ex...somehow I stumble upon seeing his name on a billboard or a vehicle or some one around me calls the same name....


Today I was listening to this very romantic song and I looked at who it was composed by the guy turned out to share the name of my EX...


Just a few minutes back I thought of him and opened a book and happened to again see a line he had scribbled on my pad...


I think these are just coincidences....but it's freaking me out...like the Universe keeps throwing him at me somehow.....!

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Ok TB, you know this guy isn't right for you. You know it.


They are coincidences. Trust me. B/c I went through the same thing when I was trying to get over my ex, a guy who wasn't good for me either.


He has a common name, but I never heard or met anyone called that before really. While I was trying to get over him, it's like all of the authors I picked up books on at the bookstore, characters in movies, names on the radio, people around me talking about their friends, they all had the same name as my ex.


Hell, even once I was sitting in traffic, I looked over and saw a restaurant umbrella on a patio that was folded in just the right way to spell out my ex's name. I thought that was a sign from god that I needed to keep on keeping on him.


THEY ARE COINCIDENCES. A SIGN woudl be if he actually gave a crap about you and showed you as much but he HASNT. Sorry to be so blunt, but all of your posts about him have shown nothing but how he has disappointed and upset you with his antics. MOVE ON.

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Yes you are true....I am not reading much into it....but it does make me wonder a bit....I am doing well now....not contacted him ..controlling urges to text/call.......just sit on my hands or pinch myself if I feel like....he's moved on and he's happy with his life. I wish him the best.

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Yes you are true....I am not reading much into it....but it does make me wonder a bit....I am doing well now....not contacted him ..controlling urges to text/call.......just sit on my hands or pinch myself if I feel like....he's moved on and he's happy with his life. I wish him the best.


I really like your signature tushboy, and yes you should definitely move on and stop pining for your ex now.

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OMG Similar things have happened to me its weird...

For instance I was driving home the other day and took the wrong turning ended up on the wrong motoway junction stuck in traffic and who happens to be in vehicle next but my ex fiance, also I saw a car reg plate with what would have been my name if id married him.

The weirdest of all was when i was going away I fell asleep on the bus and woke up at the same motorway junction we used to get off to visit his dad, our song was on the radio, the van infront was a Taurus electricals van... Hes a taurus and and an electrician. But then again i think i was seeing what i wanted to see. My Ex now got new girlf within 1 1/2month of us breaking up I keep hoping she is a rebound but knowing my luck they will be for life; shes already met his mother. Im just so angry as she is a complete loser no career prospects or ambition and she isnt that nice to look at plus they are always getting drunk...must be a good pair of beer goggles think i may need to get a pair or have whatever he is having. Any insightwould be helpful!!!

Cheers xxx

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poochy's right. In situations like these "sometimes you see only what you want to see".


I would say your mind unconsciously seeks to associate everything/anything around you with the ex.

A year ago I went through the same thing. It was unbearable at times and I felt like shouting "get out of my mind !!"

You'd all be shocked if I told you how many times per day I am reminded of my ex because of little things such as a place, a billboard, a song, a name.


Haven't you noticed that all those reminders where totally invisible to you when you were with the ex ? How they suddenly emerge/materialize when you feel it's all over and you might never see the ex again ?


This is just the mind playing dirty tricks on you. The sooner you understand those are only "forced" coincidences by your brain the sooner you will start to heal and you will see less and less signs that remind you of the ex in your every day's life.

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