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she dreamt about me


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Few weeks back, I get a text early in the morning from my ex saying 'hey, u ok'. She's never up this early so I found it quite strange. I text back saying 'lol yeh i'm good, u?'. She text saying that she had a dream about me and just wanted to knw if I was ok. I replied by asking in a joking way 'why did I die in the dream'. She said 'no nothing like that. whats new with you?'. I didn't really want to fish for answers, anyway she could have actually told me her self what the dream was about. My last text said ' just the usual, u knw busy busy busy


Im not sure why I have posted this, I don't really have a question to ask you guys, but some thoughts would be nice

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its nice that she dreamt about you and msg you to make sure ur ok..but thats about it, i dont know about ur situation but i guess she dumped you not long ago, and this shows that she think of you now and then and wondering how you are, maybe she just care about you thats it, nothing else

dont try hard to analyse her actions, focus on healing!!

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Its a bit long but its all there


Long story short she dumped me, stayed in alot of contact for awhile (like we never broke up), LC in the summer, with few times were we slept together. LC in the fall again with sleeping together. LC in winter with nothin else and me feeling the effects of the break up a year later!

I talk to her now, but we haven't met up in 2 months.

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Its a bit long but its all there


Long story short she dumped me, stayed in alot of contact for awhile (like we never broke up), LC in the summer, with few times were we slept together. LC in the fall again with sleeping together. LC in winter with nothin else and me feeling the effects of the break up a year later!

I talk to her now, but we haven't met up in 2 months.



Dude... that sounds like the pain train. You haven't even started moving on I bet. Hoping something was going to come of all this?

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It was a long pain train, a few of the carriages have started to come off though (lets hope they stay off). I guess I do keep some hope otherwise I wouldn't be writting in the 'getting back together' forum, but I wouldn't bet my house on it

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We're all here hoping the same thing. I've been broken up with my EX of 3 years since May 15th.


It hurts, no doubt there. We haven't had ANY contact since then, my choice. Althogh I smiled and waved at her last week while driving to work as we passed. She looked unhappy/mad and didn't wave. Oh well.

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