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Is he a player??


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Just an update on that guy I really like who I go red around everytime I see him!


A group of us went out for drinks last night. He was there. We all drank way too much!

I arrived at 10pm and he was already there. He saw me and his face lit up and he said hi. I looked hot so I had the confidence not to turn red.

About an hour later we started chatting. He was really nice, bought me a drink, told me I looked gorgeous etc. As the night went on, he wouldn't dance with me but would with any other girl. He had 2 other girls all over him so I kept my space a little. By all over I mean, hugging him etc - no kissing and he seemed to return the actions. I asked him why he always treats me differently to everyone else. His reply was that I was a nice girl so he has to treat me differently. {edit} does that mean??!!

He knows that I like him, I didn't want to look too keen but other people told him.

We live 5 mins away from each other but at the end of the night he chose to catch a taxi home with one of the girls who had been all over him al night. She was going home to her bf of 7 years and complained about not wanting to go home alone. So, me not wanting to kick up a fuss just got a cab home alone whilst he travelled 15 mins in the opposite direction!

Everyones saying hes a player and enjoying teasing me. I caught him looking at me too many times. He'd smile and I'd smile back but I never looked as though I was desperate for him or anything. Is it possible that someone who doesn't have relationships (according to other people!), who is stunning and can have any girl he wants, simply doesn't know how to react around someone he might actually like?!

After 12 months of awkwardness I'm increadibly frustrated that I'm still getting such mixed signals!

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But isn't DeAngelo's stuff on how to get a girl?! This guy has my attention, yes, but he's not actively persuing me! I thought DeAngelo's stuff discussed getting her attention so you can persue her?! This guy is clearly forgetting the point of getting my attention!

I don't understand this guy stuff!

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But isn't DeAngelo's stuff on how to get a girl?! This guy has my attention, yes, but he's not actively persuing me! I thought DeAngelo's stuff discussed getting her attention so you can persue her?!


No, not really - some might think that but it's the opposite...the idea is not to do persuing, at least not actively.


i will never read a book about how to get girls btw.


Good for you. Every book you read, about any possible subject is not a waste of time.

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No, not really - some might think that but it's the opposite...the idea is not to do persuing, at least not actively.




Good for you. Every book you read, about any possible subject is not a waste of time.


it is if i have to read. i get sleepy.


i'm more productive and learn more hands on. not something some literature says.

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Not likely...sounds like he's just a player and is teasing you and likes to know that numerous women find him attractive or want him. If he's going home with other women in front of you then forget him....if he was interested enough in you, whether you're a nice girl or not, he'd let you know. Let this one go.

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Most of that DeAngelo stuff is crap. Either you have it or you don't, and you sure as hell don't need a book to 'have it'.


Anyway, he's got your attention, and this is where you pursue him cuz from what I see you are waiting around for him to do the pursuing. What's the point when he already knows he has your attention and has other girls to either pursue or wait for them to pursue him.


Take the lead because dating is always a competition. As for that 'player' crap, if a guy is desirable enough to have multiple people after him, isn't that a good thing? I'm a dude going after women but I can't say that I haven't been without competition in any of the girls i've dated. Even long term relationships.


Just because someone has a bunch of people after them doesn't mean they'll fly the minute they are able to. When me and my gf hooked up she was with a FWB on the side, had a guy she was dating non-exclusively, and had a couple other pursuants. We've been together 8 months so far so neither of us are acting like players. If the person is worth it, they'll stick around.

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Ok thanks guys.

I can't ignore him as I see him at work every day, but I know one thing for sure I won't be going red anymore!

I do think he likes me, after all he admitted he treats me differently to everyone else and it's almost as if he's trying to hide his smile when I catch him looking at me, even at work.

When I see him next at work I'll just chat to him. My birthday is coming up soon, so I'll make sure he's at my birthday drinks! Thanks guys!

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