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Falling Into A Constant Circle Of Abuse...

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I'm 15 years old, and my mother got a new boyfriend.She's had alot of bad relationships,but I can't really relate.A couple months later,I went out to the mall with her boyfriend,and he bought me everything and anything I wanted.Then,I thought "wow,he likes me that much?" Trust me,I don't have anyone to call my father anymore,I've lost count.At first...I thought he just wanted me to be his little "princess" so he calls.Then,after buying so many things,we would always come back when my mother was sleeping.My little brother and I would play wrestle with him sometimes,and then after a while,he would randomly start to touch my breasts,while wrestling.For a little while,I thought he was just accidently doing it,but after a while,it got more frequent.Then,one night I went to his house,and he made me let him touch my breasts,for a matter of time.It was a payment,for everything he got me.I refused over and over,begging him not to make me do it,but,he said he would never get me anything,take away my things,and never help me with my mother problems.(He has a way of reaching out to my mom for me,in ways I can't).So...I thought "this isn't so bad I guess.." Then...it got worse.The more things we got,the more I owed him.Then it got even worse.Now,he has a timer,which he sets,to show how long he can touch me every night.Twice every month,he gives me a massage,which then turns into flat out rape.I can't stop this,I don't know how,I'll lose my mom over this man,and I'll lose everything I own,And it all means alot to me...I don't know what to do,I'm caught in this web,and I can't get out of it.I may be richer than any of the other kids out there,but my heart is more broken than anyone elses.Now,it's more frequent,longer, and it's always when my mom isn't here,so she can't hear me screaming.Now,he doesn't stop touching me,with either his fingers,or his tongue,until I orgasm,and no,it doesn't feel good,It just hurts me,because I know it's wrong,and the man I thought to be my father,turned out to be my worst nightmare.He asks me why I don't like it, don't you think that's a stupid question? I'm caught in this endless abuse...torture...and I need help. I don't know what to do anymore,I've buried my own grave.

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I wish I had the strength too,but I'm scared of losing my family to this man. He's got them against me now,and if i refuse...then he can take them farther away from me than I already am...I know this is a sick world...sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting my time just being here...

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have you told your mom? you need to tell someone, a counselor at school a teacher you trust etc...you need to get help.

I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. There is hope to get out and there is resources available.

If you need help feel free to PM me.

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Thank you for reading my problem...I'm glad that someone out there...attempts to help. It's just hard when you start out with a rough life, and then you get tossed into this mess...I'm only 15, I never, ever thought I'd be having to deal with this type of thing. It gets hard...and I needed someone to reach out too...thank you for reaching out to me...

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I think you should call the authorities. You would be better off in foster care than to deal with that.


He is a child molester and if your mother stayed with him after that and failed to protect you then she does NOT deserve to have you.


You know what you need to do. CALL THE COPS. Maybe go first to contact someone at your school.. Or a friends mother. Do you have any other family that you could go to? An older relative perhaps??


Hon my heart breaks for you!

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I wish I had the strength too,but I'm scared of losing my family to this man. He's got them against me now,and if i refuse...then he can take them farther away from me than I already am...I know this is a sick world...sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting my time just being here...


Then DON'T. Why on earth would you give excuses for this creep?

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I'm going to try to talk to someone about it, but I'm really scared that things won't turn out the way I want them too. No, I would never give excuses for...that... i don't even have a word to describe him. This is one of the hardest things to explain to someone you know? it hurts.

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Then DON'T. Why on earth would you give excuses for this creep?


WOW, you are really heartless. This is the second time you've said something offensive to this girl. You have no idea do you. You've clearly not been through it. Geeeeezzzz.


The the thread starter:


I know how hard it is. But please do tell. I know I know, I've been there...but it will not stop. Pleassseee tell somebody you can trust. I understand the worry of breaking your family up, not being believed, etc. but the more it goes on the more it's gonna effect you, sweetie.

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AngryHeart, thank you.

I'm just glad to know that I'm not alone in this...I'm not the only one that has gone through this. It's one of the hardest things to do, I've told my one friend, but that's it. He's the only one I could just tell everything too, and yes...most of all, I'm scared about breaking up my family...and it affects me more than anything...I wish more people understood me...but...I'm just so glad that you said that...you gave me a good boost of confidence...thank you.

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I agree overburdened your posts in this regard have been harsh and not helpful. If you have not suffered abuse at the hands of someone you trust then you really can't say how it should be or how she should act.


to the OP, you need to find someone in authority that you feel you can trust to confide in...just one person who is older than you. Do you have someone like that in your life??

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AngryHeart, thank you.

I'm just glad to know that I'm not alone in this...I'm not the only one that has gone through this. It's one of the hardest things to do, I've told my one friend, but that's it. He's the only one I could just tell everything too, and yes...most of all, I'm scared about breaking up my family...and it affects me more than anything...I wish more people understood me...but...I'm just so glad that you said that...you gave me a good boost of confidence...thank you.


You can do it, I promise. It will be worth it. I bet your family will stick by you. And if they don't, tell the police. They will help you from there. The main thing is you get away from this man. Please.

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I understand. It's really not easy. For your infomation - I didn't tell. I didn't tell until years after, because I was too scared too. I didn't think I would be believed, because sadly so many people aren't. I didn't tell until a few months ago. But it gave me some satisfaction, and it made me feel more real. By more real, I mean - I always lived like looking at my close family, etc. thinking "you don't really know me" It still feels like that sometimes. But I'm still glad I told.

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I'll try my best...I just hope I get enough strength to do this...its so difficult...I just don't want this to blow up in my face, because I don't think I could take that, after all of this, y'know?



"I'll try" means you may be setting yourself up for failure.


"I hope I get enough strength" means you don't know if you want help.


"I don't want this to blow up in my face" means that you are feeling guilty for some reason.


There, I put it to her nicely.

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Im so sorry that someone has treated you in this matter. You have done absoloutley nothing wrong, you have been blackmailed and bullied you are the innocent victim in this.


Tell someone please, your mother should understand. If she doesnt, your better off without them in your life. He deserves to be punished or go to jail, what if he has done this before? After you've said something, then maybe you should see a counsellor to help you come to terms with it all, they really can work wonders.


Again, Im so sorry, please tell someone or it will only get worse. You'd be surprised at the support you will receive.

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