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Got an odd situatuon... when i was in high school i had a crush on this girl.. since she never knew me .. i didnt bother to pursue it.. forgot about her.. until she out of the blue starts to write to me while m in college..saying all these nice things about me .. oddly enuf ..one of the first of questions she asks me is whether ive had a crush on anyone... i said no.. later after months of chattin (online).. (we never spoke face to face until den)..i admit tat i had a crush on her.. she doesnt respond.. so i assume she s disturbed by it .. n jus forget the whole thing.. months of friendly chattin later... she tells me tat she too once had a crush on me.. but everytim i hint on going out with her.. she changes the subject..what gives ?? the funny thing is tat she keeps saying all these praising things about me..tellin me hw great i am.. cant make head or tail of whats the situation.. DOES she like me ?? or is she just looking to be friends with me ?? im fine with both.. just dont like the whole suspense thing..

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