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Once I start eating I cant stop..Binge eating?

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Have you tried giving yourself a "break" from food? Sometimes removing food choices is a good idea. You still need nutrients, but what about trying a liquid diet for a day or two? Maybe do 1200 calories of SlimFast? You'll still get the calories you need to be healthy, but you WON'T have to make any choices.


Just an idea. Of course, you may want to speak with your Dr. first to see if this is okay. But there is a reason it's on the market.

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Carbohydrates can stimulate the appetite. Sometimes being a vegan you can eat too many carbohydrates and not enough protein. Your body could be aware you are not getting enough protein and upping the appetite to try to get you to eat it!


You need to try to up your protein and lower carbohydrates and avoid things like potato chips and junk food that are high carbs and high fat. For a while, try getting more straight sources of protein that aren't high in carbs. and avoid all sugar which stimulates the appetite.


The other thing is to plan out in advance exactly how much food you need for a day, measure it, and then don't eat anything but what you have planned in advance. If you are still hungry, drink water or tea until you are full. You need to start looking at food as nutrition rather than comfort, and set up situations that avoid impulse eating.


Sit down and do an analysis of what you eat to see if you are getting enough protein. Lots of vegans need to do this because it is hard to get enough protein in the diet without adding a lot of carbs too unless you really plan what you eat very carefully. I am not vegan, but have discovered when i eat higher protein and less carbs, my cravings drastically reduce. So your body may be trying to tell you something in addition to learning how to avoid food as comfort. Think about nutrition first, and plan what you eat based on that.

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