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Changing major...opinions and suggestions

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I am changing my major from General management to Sales/Marketing Management. I am also looking for a minor to take but i am not sure which one i should take...i am trying to decide from these two minors. Minor in Public Relations, or a minor in Accounting and Finance.


Im wondering which goes better which Sales/Marketing/management.


Also im planning on doing internship soon, either in the spring semester or during the summer...advice given would be very helpful..


thankyou all

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I don't think ones better than the other, it depends what you plan to do with your degree. I used to be a management operations major but I left that all together. I think it would be best to talk to your professors and your advisor, tell them what you want/plan to do, and see what your best option would be.

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Just my opinion, but at my school marketing was the least "marketable" emphasis in our Business school. You didn't really learn anything solid to take into a job, except Porter's Five Forces or whatever they were.

If I were you, I would pony up on some serious finance classes. International finance, investments, corporate finance, so that you have a more solid foundation of actually things you can use.


Have you started most of your upper divisions yet? If not, I would say switch to a more technical major and minor in marketing.

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depends on what you like. i am sort of attracted to money a bit too much. so if i were to pick, i would say go with finance. although, the financial industry is a bit down right now, by the time you graduate, it should pick back up. accounting can get a little boring since you are doing taxes, auditing and similar stuff. but if that floats your boat, that is not a bad option either.


my choice in order of priority would be:



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