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How long do you like "it?"


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Yeah, me too!


Me, I'm going for 4,800 hours of sex. Not nonstop of course. But ongoing.


Broken up with going to the movies, working on projects, taking classes, going on trips, cooking, having long discussions on the sofa, attending parties, working on my decor and yapping on the phone with friends.


Taking a few small breaks here and there for these make for a magical love life.




I think that this might be a secret to a happy life (shhhh don't tell anyone)

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Thanks. I'm a wannabe writer. But I'm following my dreams such as they are.


i see you will be good too. outstandingly descriptive writing. that post actually put images in my mind, in a good way. good luck with it. hope you make it.



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Yeah, me too!


Me, I'm going for 4,800 hours of sex. Not nonstop of course. But ongoing.


Broken up with going to the movies, working on projects, taking classes, going on trips, cooking, having long discussions on the sofa, attending parties, working on my decor and yapping on the phone with friends.


Taking a few small breaks here and there for these make for a magical love life.




Yeah, see that's what I am talking about. That I can do...and I can do it ALLLLLL day. Haha.

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Yeah, not including foreplay - around 30 minutes is perfect for me. The longest I've had it - again without the foreplay which is often actually a lot better IMO - was a little over an hour. It started to get boring really. Like it felt good, but I was just thinking how much I would like a drink and something to eat. Haha.


But, you know when someone is soooo hot. You might need to stop after a certain time, but you keep wanting them throught the day/night. Haha.


How many times a day?!


I'd like it for the 30 minutes + foreplay. Around twice, three times a day.


Sex with self? Usually over in like 15 minutes. Maybe less. Nice thread BTW.

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Great thread! Um...for me I would say that 20 minutes is pretty good. My hubby has gone for like 45 minutes or longer and eventually I just start thinking about things I have to do at work or someone I forgot to call etc. etc. Its not that he isnt good because he's fantastic but it seriously *does* all feel the same after awhile. Like, once I've had an orgasm I'm pretty much ready to call it quits but sometimes he just keeps going and going and going and going...yup...like the energizer battery and not in a good way


Ha Ha, me too! If I know we'll be going for a while, I'll try to not have my orgasm too soon, because I'm all hot and into it until I cum; then when I'm done, I'm done!! It sucks when I want to watch TV, or go to sleep and he's still got half and hour in him!!

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See, the weird thing for me is I am actually NOT that big on foreplay.


I like a few minutes of it....the touching....kissing....yada...yada.....but then I get all hot and bothered and I am like OK NOW.........


I just want it. LOL.


haha! yeah i sometimes i'm just like "let's go! right now" but then i love the feeling of getting over the edge and foreplay just seems to do it for me, i guess i like the teasing of it..then when i reach my point (however long that may take i'm all for it. the longer i have foreplay-the ruffer i want the sex

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See, the weird thing for me is I am actually NOT that big on foreplay.


I like a few minutes of it....the touching....kissing....yada...yada.....but then I get all hot and bothered and I am like OK NOW.........


I just want it. LOL.


you are missing out.

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