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Freudian slip


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Hi all,


I have a general question. Do you think if a guy accidently calls his girlfriend by the name of another girl that he knows very well and hangs out with often (girlfriend of his best friend), is that weird or would you just call it an innocent mistake. Just wondering.



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Reminds me of that line from Clerks I think it was.. "people say crazy things during sex... one time I called this chick 'mom'!"



Yeah... I know they call it a Freudian slip for a reason... but I'd try not to place too much importance on it or worry too much unless you see other 'symptoms' present. The mind works in funny ways.

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I do psychology, a Freudian slip means nothing, its just your unconsious overlapping with your consious mind and since our speech centre is only recently evolved, our subconsious takes over with a word or phrase of something that still lingers there. Its just a slip of the tongue named because Freud discovered it. Or at least coined it

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Nah, I wouldn't worry about it. For literally one month, one of my friends kept calling everyone in our group 'Jessie', which is the name of one friend. They just spent a lot of time together, so she kept making the same name mistake.


And an old friend's ex-boyfriend started calling her by my name, but it really meant nothing (even though she was kinda ticked). It's just your mouth moving faster (or slower?) than you brain, really.

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I don't think it's that big of a deal.


Yeah, it is hurtful to be called by another girl's name, especially by your bf, but I call people by my dog's name all the time....


Seems like an innocent mistake.


Oh my god..I have done that too!! I have even told people "sit" rather than saying "have a seat".

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Oh my god..I have done that too!! I have even told people "sit" rather than saying "have a seat".


Probably the worst thing I've done is not learned someones name but then too much time has passed so that it's awkward to ask them what there name is.


So, I spent like two weeks avoiding saying this guy's name till FINALLY someone called him by it and I found out what it was.

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^ I've done that a lot. Had a driving instructor whose name I never ever found out, and he taught me for about 4 months. And a guy at uni I got along really well with but didn't have a clue what his name was. Had to listen to the register to find out lol.


Don't worry about it. Freudian slips are just slips. Someone else mentioned calling people by their dog's name. I get called by pretty much every family member's name, the cat's name and, strangely, 'elephant' before my dad gets it right. And I am CONSTANTLY calling either my boyfriend by my 2 year old nephew's name, or vice versa. Which I find quite amusing really, hehe.

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My ex called me his ex's name early on in our relationship, and it was right after we'd had sex. I let it pass though. She was the big love in his life before I came along, and we hadn't been together that long. I cut him some slack on that slip. It never did happen again.

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