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My father figure just passed away.


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A long time family friend, and the closest thing I had to a father just passed away this morning from a Heart Attack while playing cards at a senior citizens club he attends.


I am completely devastated and along with the normal emotional impact of such a death issues such as the funeral, burial, etc have me even more upset.


He and his biological family were never on good terms, he did not leave a will, we do not know who the next of kin is, or if they'll even cover the costs of his burial.


My father figure had spoken of a plot he purchased next to his deceased wife and I spent all of today attempting to find it as the cemetery did not seem to know anything about it, ultimately, they discovered where it was, and that it was indeed still there. I feel relieved because of this, but I do not know how we will afford the burial costs if nobody else steps in. There is so little time to do all of this within and furthermore I don't even know if we have legal rights to declare where he be buried?


It would pain me eternally if the city just takes over and buries him in a city plot, when his wish was to be buried alongside his wife...


I miss him so much. He visited us everyday, and was, even though not biologically, my father.


William "Atdo" Spicer, deceased at 88.

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Well, who else could have the legal right? Does he have a will that clearly states where he wants to be buried.


And most importantly Im truly sorry for your loss


He had never mentioned having a will, but knowing him it's unlikely.

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Well. I hope everything works out and you can get him buried where he wanted to be.


Im sorry he passed away. Its a horrible thing when someone close to you dies


Thanks for your well-wishes... this is extra hard for me I think because it's the first loss of someone VERY close to me.

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Yeah it is really tough. Its the finality of it all that hits you like 'I'll never see them again' How are you handling it all at the moment?


I'm crying, every time my eyes dry up a little, I remember something, or realize that something won't happen ever again and I start all over.

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Im so sorry. It will hurt for a long time, I imagine theres lots of happy memories though so you just have to hold onto those...if your religious you can know hes gone to a better place. If your not you know his spirit lives on in his family and through memories and that his energy will always live on in the great scheme of things.



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Im so sorry. It will hurt for a long time, I imagine theres lots of happy memories though so you just have to hold onto those...if your religious you can know hes gone to a better place. If your not you know his spirit lives on in his family and through memories and that his energy will always live on in the great scheme of things.




Thanks so much.

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