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Sex or Sleep?


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I agree that the answers will just vary. Even with the same guy I was with for 7 years... there were times in our relationship where I'd say the sex fo sho.... and other times when I'd say "oh gawd get off me just lemme sleep..." ... all depends on the health of the relationship.


But generally speaking, sex 110% ... ghost is right, good exercise (sexercise?)... good way to start the day, and heck, I'm an insomniac who wakes up before my alarm goes off anyways... might as well do something more fun with the extra time anyways.

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For me anyway, it's like this; before my husband and I were married, we'd stay up till 4 am having sex on the weekends, after a night of drinking there was always the hot drunken sex when we got home, when waking in the morning it was always nice to get some lovin in before getting up.

But then you move in together and get married.

Just the other day we were talking about how our sex life used to be, and how it is now. Oh don't get me wrong, we still have plenty of sex, but not during the same hours! LOL

When you live together you don't have to take advantage of every moment to have sex, because you're together every day. Sometimes you're just tired. It's OK not to stay up late and have sex if we're tired, because in the morning we'll still be together, and maybe we'll have sex that day instead.

That's the great thing about marriage, while we don't have sex any less than what we used to, we just now can have it at more convieniant times!

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Me instigating? It purely depends on how awake I am when the alarm goes off. However, if he'd instigate I would 110% be up for it any time, regardless. If I'm not that tired, sure, I'd go for the sex. If I am dead tired and he hasn't woken up to instigate, it's unlikely I'd wake him up. Probably most people who say they would are putting on a front.

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LOL...there's a lot of truth in this statement.


OK, all together now...


New couples are going to say sex.

Married, or long term couples are going to say sleep.


No doubt. If I tried to deprive the wife of sleep for sex, I'd be without either.

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I know, I was surprised that she beat you to it.


probably cause it's my thread. she likes to warp and dirty my mind on my threads. it's working.


sex for sure.


but im like a flippin rabbit. i go for it ANY chance i can get it ... my ex and i used to have sex AT LEAST 3-4 times A DAY ... EVERYDAY.


maybe that's why it's so hard to get over him, lol.


sex. fo sho!


what time you wanna get up? lol

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Depends on the guy. My ex? I'd choose sleep...it was much more fulfilling...

And no BJ's or kissing that early. God, I can't stand morning breath, or junk thats sit there roasting all night.


holy hell that made me laugh...


but back on topic I would chose sex

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do you want 10 more minutes of sleep or get some action for at least 10 minutes?


10 minutes?


That would be 5 minutes just to rouse out of sleep. And then...5 minutes of action?


5 minutes of sex, which is half groggy. Hmm.


I admire you ladies that are up-and-at-em during this window of time!


And...I've never really been all that involved in sex for it's 15-calorie-a-minute cardio workout benefits.


If I had to compromise, I'd take the half-a-calorie-a-minute spooning and dozing off again.


But for me -- sleep, sleep. Just let me sleep until I wake up naturally....you'll be glad you waited. The benefits come in when I'm well-rested.

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10 minutes?


That would be 5 minutes just to rouse out of sleep. And then...5 minutes of action?


5 minutes of sex, which is half groggy. Hmm.


I admire you ladies that are up-and-at-em during this window of time!


And...I've never really been all that involved in sex for it's 15-calorie-a-minute cardio workout benefits.


If I had to compromise, I'd take the half-a-calorie-a-minute spooning and dozing off again.


But for me -- sleep, sleep. Just let me sleep until I wake up naturally....you'll be glad you waited. The benefits come in when I'm well-rested.



you will also lose your job for being late.

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you will also lose your job for being late.


Ah, the benefits of being self-employed.


That aside though, if I have to go somewhere early, I sleep up until the last minute possible. Haha. The 10 minutes is to get ready to be out the door.


I'm a relatively low-maintenance gal in that respect.

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