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Fun and romantic things to do


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Pick up a new sport together, take lessons, maybe go on a vacation that centers around that.


Do something for your partner that you don't get the chance to do often:


Guys - make your gal coffee and breakfast in the morning, walk up behind her and hug her and kiss her on the neck when she is in the kitchen, call her at lunchtime just to say "Hi", bring home flowers or "take out" for no reason, BBQ something yummy on the grill. Draw her a bath


Gals - Initiate sex, try a new position, Plan a getaway, bring him a drink and sit down and give him a foot rub.....

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I used to do that all the time with my ex. Nice dinner, dress up, open the car door for her, wine, candle light...


I think she started to feel as if it was expected every week!




But I still do all that on a date.

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Hey Karibo, I’m gonna try and give you some ideas for both


A good one would be going on a vacation to somewhere romantic and met for couples. Like a Bed and Breakfast met for romance. You could look for ones that have romantic packages as well... The ones I usually see, which are from my home town offer, dinner at our harbor view restaurant, 1 night stay, theater for entertainment and beach tours. There are many others too though that have hiking, sea kayaking tours, and spa treatment.

There are hotels/motels that sometimes offer packages as well for the area attractions...


Good old camping is always fun if you are into that type of thing. A lot of camping sites also have a pool or recreation hall as well so you should be able to find things to do...


Candlelight dinners are always nice. A lot of work goes into those, so some sure appreciation and maybe some lovin should come outta it.


There are just so many things couples can do to have fun, even though museums are not really romantic IMO, they can still be fun. Same as going for walks and stuff..


Picnics are pretty cool too, you could have one in a really scenic area and maybe take pictures too.


For sexual stuff... There are couples card, drinking, and board games. Just for adults if your into that you could try it and possibly have a lot fun.. Have a candlight bath together with chocolates or strawberries , maybe tease your partner and give them a strip tease while their tied to the chair... Um, hmm yeah not sure what all ya could do there.


That’s all I can think of right now

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